Wednesday, March 23, 2011

pic for the day

its wednesday night and this week turns out to be flying past faster than i expected! pretty worrisome since mid year's in less than 5 weeks time and im super lost in almost everything? i need some motivation to cramp but tonight's gonna be a romantic night just me and my books heheh :) not to mention, i find the food at home nowadays totally boring. cant we have like seafood often? and i've been noticing that people have been somewhat changing around me. kinda ridiculous to say that at the same time, dont really know what im saying.  anyhoo today i was a good girl since i paid attention in class (as usual hehee) and me and xindi and simin came up with ideas for the class tee! wtv it is, i just want us to look classy and kewt :) i think 3e3's capable of that in every single way. yeahh if you're good in history or ss, you have probably inferred that i really love my class. and on a side note, its noisygal103's bdae tmr! <3

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