Thursday, March 31, 2011

busy betty bee

i kinda want my blog to be somewhat random. just realised that i only run to this blog and post smtg when i feel like i have something i wanna share. i dont think i want my blog to be just a bunch of rantings just so i could tell ppl about my life. i want to add a bit of sparkle to this blog.

and make it more interesting. 

i can dream, can't i? ): 

Time check: 10.35pm. 
just finished doing some notes on science. keeping the constant whispers of my conscience in my head telling me to revise and ace for the mid-year. perhaps, getting some shut eye soon and waking up to a brand new day in a few hrs time. specifically, a brand new month and a brand new motive.

an early welcome to april ;) 


SYF is finally over and we got back our results.

i came to dance in beginning of the year. you can call me pretty much a newbie even though im sec 3. but dance taught me a multitude of things of which will benefit me in every way possible. that kind of feeling is just so soft and.... light. being able to get inspired by so many people all breathing the same air as me, all in the same room as me all being able to nurture me and teach me things of which i had no clue about.

if i were to list the things down here, i dont think it really makes much of a huge deal cos what im feeling now, i highly doubt i can put it into words. but as specific as i can go, im beyond happy.

dancing on the syf stage was mesmerizing. bronze in the past, silver in the present.
it was the happiest thing i felt this whole day.

i dont regret joining dance. i never did.

i just feel too happy ;D

Monday, March 28, 2011

and the microphones

dance today lacked many people and the dance we performed on stage today looked pathetic. one word: no energy. and everyone was communicating on stage. pretty ridiculously cute.

practiced our lunchtime concert!!! :>
but simin and sujeong werent with me till the end. was pretty sad. felt like there was a hole in my heart. haha how cheesy but hey! i love my girls okayeee ;) hopefully, yam will rmb my high cuts tmrw and everything will go well.

and i kinda like ms nurul. no idea why im thinking like this. think im going krazy cox im dancing too much.
on a side note, i finally donated 30bux to swim for fund. pretty awesome stuff, i must say though its totally incomparable to kendrick who donated like 500bux!

shall get some rest today. and aft mike will pass me my chem mid year checklist. im gonna get started on mye asap. a bit difficult to motivate myself now but no harm trying right. giving sch a miss on wednesday cos i have my syf hehehe ;p

today's post is just an update. nothing funny nothing special dont you think.
just dont feel like having a sense of humor today. cos nothings been going right. and there are officially no more blondes in th school. kinda sad cox seeing them arnd, was kinda like a breath of fresh air. its nice to see caucasian other than asian.

hmm..i guess another time and i just hope edward comes back :/

cant rmber if i posted this photo before. but woah. notice how short my fringe is. and notice my hair now. doesnt my hair grow fast hhaah suckerss my hair grows fast. gah. i suck in punctuation. everything i write seems monotonous. help?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

hey no maria

just a glimpse of yesterday. not posting everything here cox im pretty scared i wont have enough photos to post for my future posts hehe. its 10am now. and im dreading the day. cant wait for dance on monday-wednesday. seems like nxt week's gonna be a week to rmber. too bad im gonna miss inline skating. &i feel like making my blog everything. twitter, tumblr, and a personal blog. i think its gonna be pretty cool. too bad it takes a lot of effort and right now i just get so lazy nowadays. i should be a cat and just stay cute. preferably, i want to be black cat. ok know i want to be a unicorn heheh how majestic right

Saturday, March 26, 2011

dont let polaroids die

phone camera quality's really low! but i dont think its much of a big deal. headed to the gardens today with the 3 of them and we played monopoly deal which was pretty much the best game ever. everyone was putting on poker faces and getting really sly. i never got to won though. but considering the fact that i was so blurr x1000, i think im pretty good at the game. surprisingly today didnt rain. photos still with aura. perhaps the nxt post, imma post some up. took a total of 28 polaroids today. i'll put thm on my wall photos soon. and today a _____ followed me. maybe i was just overreacting but seriously i was really scared out of my wits. i suddenly just dont feel safe around my house anymore. ah. maybe im just getting weak. or maybe its an angel in disguise hahah! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

nothing's over ;)

first school week of term 2 is over and its finally friday! strangely, i feel like i've become a new person in terms of....motivation? i've been getting pretty driven to go back home to study and awesomely enough i wont complain!

and SYF is nxt wednesay! its crazy how time is passing by so fast right now. and lunchtime concerts on tuesday and im super psyched for it tooo can u guys sense my excitement from my monotonous tune. and form teacher period today was.....memorable. i think kevin is such a cutiepieee hehe ok overall today was a pretty great day :)

i had sushi with brenda since like forever ;)

oh and eunice said that our costumes for syf makes us look like ninjas.
i prefer the ballerinas who are too sexy in training for ninja assesment

hmmm nothing interesting has happened in my life. though, eng period today was super fun xD but i think thats basically it. will be meeting BFFL tomorrow.

its been long~~ :))

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

pic for the day

its wednesday night and this week turns out to be flying past faster than i expected! pretty worrisome since mid year's in less than 5 weeks time and im super lost in almost everything? i need some motivation to cramp but tonight's gonna be a romantic night just me and my books heheh :) not to mention, i find the food at home nowadays totally boring. cant we have like seafood often? and i've been noticing that people have been somewhat changing around me. kinda ridiculous to say that at the same time, dont really know what im saying.  anyhoo today i was a good girl since i paid attention in class (as usual hehee) and me and xindi and simin came up with ideas for the class tee! wtv it is, i just want us to look classy and kewt :) i think 3e3's capable of that in every single way. yeahh if you're good in history or ss, you have probably inferred that i really love my class. and on a side note, its noisygal103's bdae tmr! <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

go fight for a cat loser

term 2 has officially started and my sunday yesterday was really well spent. i met the most good looking guy in my life and i showered myself in his ambience. pretty sad, that its kinda hard to find a guy like this in school nowadays. let alone, get someone like him as my very own boyfriend :')

there was a chem class test today. i find it pretty fun cos everyone was "working together". no?

syf is in 9 days time according to sujeong :) hehehe i love walking back from sch with her and simin even though its only for 5minutes. 5 good minutes, methinks.

right now, stress hasnt really came to me yet. i dont want to face stress anymore. i want a carefree life. i want to be on cloud nine and feel like im floating in the air every single hour. but what's life if everything's so perfect?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

one more day

its one more day to MONDAY and today's SUNDAY. i dont find this day sunny at all. i'd rather have a raincloud above me at all times. at least, it keeps me cold and i like cold hehee i should be an ice cream like seriously?

and since school is starting, im really gonna scrimp and save. which reminds me of the lame swim for fund. i really dont want to donate. ya call me a heartless creature. at least im not in denial like everyone is. im left with emath and my online lit assessment. pretty stoked for monday since i can show off my new blinged phone hehhe now no one can have the same phone as me (Y)

gahhhh i miss starbucks and i miss just.....going out and hanging out. i wanna be a fish and swim past corals. at least then, my life will be as colourful as.......crayons? :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

hungry me

did proj at jiahui's house with samuel and clement hahah it was pretty awkward but towards the end, we did retarded stuffs like watch ghost scenes and watched MICHELLE PHAN for like a good 2minutes. and we had pizza ;)

and derrick beibei liu zhuang is on tv!! im EXCITED ok will blog like aft i eat i need energy to THINK

Thursday, March 17, 2011

cos ure a bad girl

met si min and sujeong at the dance studio today at 11am in the morning!!! i guess i had a pretty happy morning cos i had a happy breakfast of starbucks belgian waffles hehee and im still pretty angry about the fact that my sis spoiled my backpack i want to just shut myself up in a cave and cry.a.river

ohs and i think my blog has been super boring lately dont you think?? ): and dance today was pretty awesome hhaah we played games and adrian has the toughest and most painful grip ever and my hands are all bruised and battered. pretty stoked for nxt tuesday and for SYF. though, im not feeling the jitters yet.

i came back home, and sat next to this auntie. OK NO, i came first, then the auntie came and sat nxt to me. i mean there were like other seats here and there and she just chose to sit with me. this proves that i have an irresistable charm and no one can defeat my lovely and sexy aura. YEAH.

i was texting non-stop and yaknow i dont really care about my surroundings when im alone LET ALONE an auntie sitting nxt to me but omgosh if she wanted to peek at my texts i mean, she can just like not make it obvious right. NOT SKILLED AT ALL. i bet this is like her first time peeking at someone's phone to see messages and all that but ya if she wanted to see my texts you can just say "HEY YOU'RE SUCH AN ANGELIC GIRL I'VE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE SO ANGELIC LIKE YOU" and then i'll be thrilled to hear such a compliment like that and i'll be like "HI YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME TO READ MY MSGS"

ok ya indirectly speaking, this kind of thing will nvr happen. i just dont like strangers prying on my privacy. but i guess its not a bad thing. it just means you give off an interesting persona. HEHE I LIKE.

pretty crazy

ah march hols are ending. and i only went out once that is if u exclude dance practice. like what the flipping heck right i mean, whats the point of calling it a march holiday when the term HOLIDAY totally doesnt mean anything. holidays are when u need to take a break. not go to school like every one or two days for lessons, get bombarded with hmwk, no time to do work cos of fatigue. i agree that march hols are probably one of the most retarded one week hols ever but ya i know o's are like nxt yr and i can kinda see what the teachers are doing, and that it is to prepare us for our big exam nxt yr but i dont wanna see the big picture now. cant you guys just give us a break and let us roam. hhaha ya i sound like a despo but frankly speaking, i swear i dont care.

Monday, March 14, 2011

serve it, scroll it, tune it

today was such a boring day, you have no idea. i started to watch gossip girl from where i stopped but then i always get tired watching it like 3 episodes straight cos i dont know i find it pretty uncomfortable ;p. and i noticed i've been getting pretty angsty nowadays... ;/ pardon me for my pms.

nostalgia has officially hit me.  i want those days back where i had not much worries, i dont really have stress attacking me from all sides. i thought 2011 would be awesome. ok dont get me wrong, i guess it is. but sometimes, there's just too much to handle. and since im growing older, i know i have to work much harder and be responsible for my actions and i always tell myself to be hardworking, super super hardworking. but its always easier said than done. ya i know i've been mentioning this a lot of times, but there's a lot of things in my head right now that i just cant seem to pour into this post. i just need some time off....

Sunday, March 13, 2011


no it aint mummy's day. its my mum's birthday yesterday :) 
celebrated it at swensens agaaaaaaaaiiiin and i demolished my fish and chips in 3 mins. krazy or krazy? and the manager gave us as many free milkshakes we wanted. to my disappointment i think the drinks werent even that nice but ya its free so nothing's wasted since i freaking finished them all *lie lie lie

whenever i was moody, you seem to be the one who makes the effort to ask me what was wrong. whenever there was nice food at home, you'll give us first priority to eat the best despite the fact that you were the one who cooked it or bought it. you give me love and affection that no one else has ever given me. and even though im growing older, and you're growing older too my love for such an extraordinary mummy like you will never go away. in fact, it'll grow stronger as the days past. 

i dont know what i'll do or become if it werent for you staying by my side..... :) 



Friday, March 11, 2011

hi homework, hi holidays

hmmm i dont think there will ever be a time where there wont be any homework during the holidays. term one is officially over and march is here. i think march is like the new february. you got many ppl falling in love, and you got ppl confessing or indirectly confessing. i find it kewt. i find it SUPER kewt.

this holiday only lasts for a week. and we're already bombarded with tons of hw and nurul aint giving us a break. i feel pretty shagged. ok no offence but i always think shag is somewhat like a doggish word. it fits well in a sentence like......."oh look, a shagged dog" as compared to ......."oh look a shagged human" HAHAA omg im self entertaining meself.

so far, there have been many disasters happening. i dont think i wanna mention them. mentioning them is like indirectly calling them. i dont wanna call the disasters to come to singapore. my life has been pretty disastrous enough ever since i've turned 15 hahaa x)

ok im out enjoy the cold night and snuggle tight under ure duvets! not gonna say happy holidays~ i find it cliche enough. arent i so special yes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

absolute zero

a pretty old picture but ya it doesnt make me old SO YA WTV

march hols is coming! to be exact, it actually starts this weekend. im planning on sleeping over at ppl's houses but for now, nothing's certain yet. im super stoked for saturday! finally going out with my 3 little witches. screw ncc for stealing farisyah away for this sat!! and me and nas are gonna bake beautiful batches of pastries to make the cats grow fat and on tuesday, we're celebrating natt's birthday :)

and seeing jijibubu on fb creeps me out cox she gets like hundreds of likes and there's nothing nice about the picture. i can smell the air that suck-ups tend to breathe in this world. i already mentioned how artificial the world is in one of my previous posts. now, its just plain blind.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

5 years

they're the ones who bother to complete me ever since primary school. i dont think i'll ever let them go. 

just so you know, common test 1 has ended and i didnt live up to my expectations. so far, school is pretty boring as usual and the only thing i look forward to is go home and sleep. ahh i think im becoming a pig. and im not gonna eat so much anymore. ever since we got the costumes for syf, i've been really paranoid about my figure. esp my butt and waist. i cant help being a girl and just whine all day long. but if you were in my shoes, you guys would prolly be pretty........shy. 

if only rice are like slim 10 pills.. i would be a much happier person. i wont go bulimic though. i do say im paranoid and sad, but i aint dumb enough to vomit out what i had before. im not stupid. and yeah i tried the new chicken mcgrill from macs and i really do think its super nice. after this ulcer is gone away from my life, im heading to macs for another round.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

pig from hell

heheheh natt hasnt uploaded pics from friday but i guess it'll be up soon i think. anw my saturday was pretty awesome even though i didnt study. and it was one of those days whr i found out i had a freaking whiney best friend!!! hhaha headed to nas's place and entertained irfan instead of studying hehe whooops and i cant believe i knocked out aft just laying on her sofa for 5mins???!? now i call that amazing arent i amazing

mia called and for a last minute plan, we headed to the flea at orchard. i got myself 4 brand new stuff which was super kewt hehe and i met ryan goh at somerset!! reached eunos at 945 and went to nas's place for a movie and american idol and talking to yam otp via loudspeaker hehehe i flew home somewhr after midnight - totally drop dead tired and here i am waking up to a bright sunday. might be having dance laterr so ciao peeps ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

heavy eyelids

my lens are dried out after a day out with sissy and natt : )) hehhe finally caught up and talked about what's been happening. i feel a sense of relief today. my woes are all gone. and i find myself such a loser. supposedly supposed to shop today, i didnt buy a single piece of cloth! will update aft i hav my beauty sleep which is....


Thursday, March 3, 2011

just an update

im bruised from dance. and i think my feet has gone sore. i think im transforming into a pig in express time. dont you know that i've perspired like mad just now while just sitting in the hall??! and smtg's wrong with me. i havent had second helpings in a pretty long time! is thr a worm in my body eating all my will and energy so that i can prevent myself from bringing my stupid plate to th rice cooker and thn scooping some more rice?!?? >< 

just thought i should say....... crime watch has bad acting. it cracks me up to see re-enactment and the police trying hard to not laugh. i mean HOW TO NOT LAUGH. if you dont laugh i consider you a hero in every single way. you're my hero 101. 

tomorrow's friday!!!! &im finally heading out with nattyyyy and my sis : ) like after 700 light years?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

rocket power

hehee the dancers were excused for lessons after recess cos we had to head down to ucc to check out the syf stage! it smells of the bowling alley, well sort of. i think the smell is kinda nice hahah! right now im mad tired and i really hope i wont let my heavy head fall on the keyboard...

and afterwards we had P.E.T ROCKET or smtg. its this programme that helps you in ure physics in a much more fun way. we're supposed to like build rockets and launch them at the parade sq to see how far it'll go.  its pretty much like an inter class game with all the 3E and it was pretty pretty pretty FUN. heheeee only launching the rocket part was fun cos we got WET. heheh you suckers who didnt get wet i hope ure skin is all dried up like a prune. go and be a PRUNE.

i finally had my macs for dinner today with janice and maryam. pretty happy returning home to see sucky food in the pots and pans. at that moment, i knew i didnt waste money getting macs for dinner. my stomach aint got no space for food

my mum calls this photo ugly -_- k mum sorry your daughter doesnt hav a pretty photo. can i get defensive and just say i'll use this photo cos i look like a prune? i mean.....we are talking about prunes anyway. and my results are really bad. and since everyone;s talking bout results, i dont wanna be "one of them" i'll be the only girl in the world that wont talk bout results.

and my class played floorball todae. nabil faliq is a rough boy -_-

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

thats who i am

in life, you dont always get what you want. this phrase seems rather cliche but you cant deny the fact that ya its sorta true. unless you have like millions of bucks, then perhaps you can get anything you want. they always say money cant buy happiness, money cant buy friends but i think everyone's living in denial. you do know how the world revolves arnd money. you DO know how artificial the world is. that, you cant change. so live with it.

today i got back my basically almost all my papers. im too disappointed to regain back any confidence i had 2 weeks ago in me. if you were to have big bucks from ure dad, you'll bribe. bribery comes flattery. flattery comes acceptance. to put it all in a sentence, you'll get good education with money. money money money.

i love money. you cant change that. everyone loves money. dont lie to ureself you're not shallow. dont lie to yourself that you think looks totally doesnt matter. dont lie to yourself that you think no one in the world is ugly/ not pretty. dont lie to yourself thinking that "oh i feel guilty cos i got higher than you for ure science" uhh hello stop being a freaking liar and telling everyone WHAT A GOOD GIRL YOU ARE.

good is a SUBJECTIVE term.
in your case, good just doesnt make it.

i may be sarcastic i may be impatient, i may be like stupid Okonkwo in th novel things fall apart- cant control my emotions. i may be bitchy i may hav a big mouth i may be a hypocrite i may be a liar sometimes i may be someone who hates to help at times i may not have any initiative in things i need to do.

at least im myself.

thats freaking who i am. who are you to change that?