Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My graduation speech

Sucks how i couldnt do it like in movies. Grab the mic and just push the valedictorian( not referring to Faris) away and just provide my 2 cents to population bedok view.

Thank you bedok view for putting me in such misery and trauma. The petty and unreasonable being that i am, still cant get over the fact that this school hasnt had prom for 3 years. Its really quite sad how it has to go on like this. Thank you for the people who actually did pay for prom, for the people who prayed that prom will happen, for the people who blamed the school instead of blaming themselves, for the people who did not pay for prom, for the people who believed prom would happen.

Especially for the people like me, who bothered to write a post about it. Sorry man i just had to.

Thank you for giving us a graduation ceremony and improvising the throwing of the graduation hat with our own school tie. Creativity, A+. In all honesty, throwing it was amazing. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to wear our uniforms again for the graduation ceremony. It was comforting to know that i could still fit into that shit. Talk about relief!

But most of all,

Thank you for putting me in 4E3. The best class, the best group of people i have ever spent my life with :)

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Pics from jh the cat, hx & kira!

-Feelin quite noob cause i just found out instagram can be viewed online now, via web-

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