Sunday, July 17, 2011

Whats on my mind

So i was on facebook browsing through the newsfeed with my disinterested face and i see some new generations coming onto facebook w a whole new style. not such a flattering style though but its always the same w facebook. you got the bunch of suck-ups who compliment you 14 hrs a day straight and then you hav the ppl who are doing so much for others to like their own photo like LIKING A PHOTO IS SUCH A HUGE DEAL. and then you got some people who just posts statuses on facebook that i've already seen before and then you hav other people who are just normal- using facebook to interact.

and then there's me who'se just waiting for the right moment to deactivate it all.

So i scroll down and i see some people who sends out messages to their supposed haters and its just the lamest thing ever. they take pics of idk...lets give an example.

they take pics of their new iphone cover maybe or they have the preview tix to hp7p2 and their caption will be some loser shout out to their haters like "Mummy got me tix to hp7p2. haha haters i got the tix before you guys did" OR "Look at my iphone cover. it worths something unlike you haters out there" like what the freak what are you trying to do -__- why dont you just bury a cow the proper way ok its much beneficial cos reading your crap on facebook has no benefits to me whatsoever. and stop using the word haters. not like you hav so many fans till the point that you hav to prove to your "haters" that hating someone like you is smtg that they will regret.

LOL why would i regret. i mean if you're jennifer lopez obviously i will regret but you're some lower sec in bedok view who perhaps just got a fb. so. congrats on getting a fb. you're officially a superstar and you'll be earning 60 bux per status and per like on facebook.

I shall end my post w aura's photo cos i just miss her )";

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