Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tragedy strikes in sgp mrt

There's a reason why there are such things in the world called DEODERENT. You wont smell all heavenly just by bathing and soaking yourself in soap.

So i was on my way home from my hectic friday night which just screamed mediocre. The performances were not so awesome and i was just too tired. Esp when its all the way in clementi, it just screams hassle. its like 14 mrt stops away and i then finally i reach home.

Sucks to know that im not born w wings.

Anyway i was already cranky enough heading home by myself at around 1040pm and there was no seats to mend my broken feet so i just leaned back at the glass panel. then suddenly some hurricane just had to hit. It was like torture but with a capital T.

The people from BUGIS were KIASU AND IRRITATING. it was like, they hadnt seen a mrt before and were inconsiderate. most of them werent monstrous fatty beasts but apparently all of average or skinny size which meant it'll be easier for them to squeeze all the way back. but no. they clogged up the whole middle way and some dude who was afraid to fall down and who apparently has no sense of balance or even sense of smell just had to ruin my whole night to an all new level of extreme. He had his arm stretched all the way above me and he wasnt even CUTE, he wasnt even COOL but in fact totally UNCOUTH.

He reeked of sweat, which screams no deoderent or no shower.
And i wonder, judging from his office like apparel, how can anyone who stays cooped up in his chair in the office which has air condition blasting through your face be SMELLY.

IT WAS LIKE SMTG I JUST CANT UNDERSTAND. and he squeezed my bag implying that i needed to move the f off since i supposedly am taking all the mrt space. and he had ugly hair and beady eyes which just doesnt give any hint of charismatic vibe which annoys me cause all i can point out is his flaws. his smelly flaws.

and after what felt like a 1000 yrs i stepped out when my stop arrived and ran off holding my breath. I hope he saw me feeling uneasy cause boy was i frickin uneasy. GET THE MSG AND BUY SOME DEODERENT. it doesnt cost a bomb loser.

And mark my words, im going to have pretty hair

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