Sunday, July 24, 2011

Its tough....a bit too tough

Looks like i need an iphone to keep up.

Dont just leave me out just cause i cant whatsapp. Dont leave me out like during those Sec 1 days. 

And now its all happening again. 

Its always those days when you guys asked me out, i cant be able to go and meet up.
And its always those days that i CAN meet you guys but its just that, guys dont ask me out.

And if you guys read this, im pretty sure you wont agree cause. im pretty sure you guys will be pissed at me as there are some things that maybe i wont understand.

But cut me some slack.
Let me speak out, and listen to my 2cents worth.

Give me 5 minutes. Cause i need to speak t you guys.

But its like im afraid i will hold back cause the things inside my mind are apparently all the things that i wanna say. and i dont want to say it cause i just know i will break down and cry.

And when i cry, i just feel like you guys shouldnt take any pity on me. Cause i deserve to handle all the pain i've caused to myself.

So i take back all those words i say before.

And surrender once again claiming that
Its all my fault. 

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