Thursday, July 28, 2011

This is like my own writing bank

E math re test today was really bad.
Bad in a way that i studied really hard but i lost a lot of marks cause i couldnt complete it in time. Wtv.

Anw i was walking down the stairs from the library when there was some small commotion that wasnt actually a commotion worth watching. not that im kpo or anything. but its just the kind of commotion where its on purpose. or in other words, seeking for attention.

And i find it gay when guys seek for attention by making noise, cursing like its their own home.
Yeah I GET IT. its your own problem to curse all you want. totally UP TO YOU.

but seriously have some sense of consideration and think about others, besides your foul like attitudes.

No one wants to hear dirty curses flying around.

You've just brought down the whole muslim community to an all time low. Its like you dont even appreciate yourself and what god has given you.

I bet you guys dont even attend friday prayers.

Now thats just low.

Here's a word for you guys.

And if you're really smart, you'll think of other adjectives to sub repent.
And if you're really dumb, you'll say its a waste of time.
And if you're really just a mediocre thinker, then you'll just stone.

And if you're really a muslim, you'll just do it.

So which category dyou guys lie in?

Oh... yeah you're right i forgot attention seekers.

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