Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tragedy strikes in sgp mrt

There's a reason why there are such things in the world called DEODERENT. You wont smell all heavenly just by bathing and soaking yourself in soap.

So i was on my way home from my hectic friday night which just screamed mediocre. The performances were not so awesome and i was just too tired. Esp when its all the way in clementi, it just screams hassle. its like 14 mrt stops away and i then finally i reach home.

Sucks to know that im not born w wings.

Anyway i was already cranky enough heading home by myself at around 1040pm and there was no seats to mend my broken feet so i just leaned back at the glass panel. then suddenly some hurricane just had to hit. It was like torture but with a capital T.

The people from BUGIS were KIASU AND IRRITATING. it was like, they hadnt seen a mrt before and were inconsiderate. most of them werent monstrous fatty beasts but apparently all of average or skinny size which meant it'll be easier for them to squeeze all the way back. but no. they clogged up the whole middle way and some dude who was afraid to fall down and who apparently has no sense of balance or even sense of smell just had to ruin my whole night to an all new level of extreme. He had his arm stretched all the way above me and he wasnt even CUTE, he wasnt even COOL but in fact totally UNCOUTH.

He reeked of sweat, which screams no deoderent or no shower.
And i wonder, judging from his office like apparel, how can anyone who stays cooped up in his chair in the office which has air condition blasting through your face be SMELLY.

IT WAS LIKE SMTG I JUST CANT UNDERSTAND. and he squeezed my bag implying that i needed to move the f off since i supposedly am taking all the mrt space. and he had ugly hair and beady eyes which just doesnt give any hint of charismatic vibe which annoys me cause all i can point out is his flaws. his smelly flaws.

and after what felt like a 1000 yrs i stepped out when my stop arrived and ran off holding my breath. I hope he saw me feeling uneasy cause boy was i frickin uneasy. GET THE MSG AND BUY SOME DEODERENT. it doesnt cost a bomb loser.

And mark my words, im going to have pretty hair

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This is like my own writing bank

E math re test today was really bad.
Bad in a way that i studied really hard but i lost a lot of marks cause i couldnt complete it in time. Wtv.

Anw i was walking down the stairs from the library when there was some small commotion that wasnt actually a commotion worth watching. not that im kpo or anything. but its just the kind of commotion where its on purpose. or in other words, seeking for attention.

And i find it gay when guys seek for attention by making noise, cursing like its their own home.
Yeah I GET IT. its your own problem to curse all you want. totally UP TO YOU.

but seriously have some sense of consideration and think about others, besides your foul like attitudes.

No one wants to hear dirty curses flying around.

You've just brought down the whole muslim community to an all time low. Its like you dont even appreciate yourself and what god has given you.

I bet you guys dont even attend friday prayers.

Now thats just low.

Here's a word for you guys.

And if you're really smart, you'll think of other adjectives to sub repent.
And if you're really dumb, you'll say its a waste of time.
And if you're really just a mediocre thinker, then you'll just stone.

And if you're really a muslim, you'll just do it.

So which category dyou guys lie in?

Oh... yeah you're right i forgot attention seekers.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lady marmalade

Decided to take a break which may or may not last the whole night.

Sooner or later, you might find me in my bed sleeping the night away or having my shoulders hunched, burning the midnight oil for my re-exam tomorrow.

Last minute plans always are incredible but last minute studying is just stressful.
And here i am w the confidence of a sheep- definately not great enough to last me through the 2 hours of solid concentration on my math paper 2 tomorrow.

Who am i to say "solid" concentration anyway.

I feel like im just kidding myself.

But i do know, that somewhere beneath my defeated mindset, is something else that can do me proud.
Best of wishes to me tomorrow xx

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Its tough....a bit too tough

Looks like i need an iphone to keep up.

Dont just leave me out just cause i cant whatsapp. Dont leave me out like during those Sec 1 days. 

And now its all happening again. 

Its always those days when you guys asked me out, i cant be able to go and meet up.
And its always those days that i CAN meet you guys but its just that, guys dont ask me out.

And if you guys read this, im pretty sure you wont agree cause. im pretty sure you guys will be pissed at me as there are some things that maybe i wont understand.

But cut me some slack.
Let me speak out, and listen to my 2cents worth.

Give me 5 minutes. Cause i need to speak t you guys.

But its like im afraid i will hold back cause the things inside my mind are apparently all the things that i wanna say. and i dont want to say it cause i just know i will break down and cry.

And when i cry, i just feel like you guys shouldnt take any pity on me. Cause i deserve to handle all the pain i've caused to myself.

So i take back all those words i say before.

And surrender once again claiming that
Its all my fault. 

Forever true

All hail Sm entertainment. #justsaying

Egg mayo

To start off the post, just cause i found this really cute:

And here i flood, not w pics of myself but to me, one of the greatest delicacies in e world.

Im wondering whats in between the sandwich and the egg, and i found out its POTATOES.

And this photo caught my attention cause of the.....ya la ya la i think you guys know what caught my attention 

sunday lunch (by aixxx)

And then i saw man vs food and they were showing some huge cheesy-no-vege pizza. 

Then i saw this cause.....its...huge. 

Ironically i hate tomatoes but i like stuffs that are..tomato based.

And my immense luv for salads: 

via ohsopictures
via ohsopictures

And it pains me cos the only thing i hav at home now is.... a finished pack of oreos and a tub of vanilla ice cream which my sister's hav just demolished.

and hard rice.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Its a need more than a want

Most people might look at this pic and claim "ooh couple tees"

Hmm..but not me (:

Both for myself please


I wonder what life would really be like if looks really could kill. cause this week i've found some bitchy people that most probably are all witches in disguise. i've found humans that resemble those lizards that are just here in life to make life an uneasy path for you. filthy, unreasonable and just sheer useless.

You've cleared your point. and maybe you might be thinking what you've said to us just now was to get some sense into our heads. 

The only thing i learned was how much i do not like you. 

Your ego is skyscraper high i bet. and seems like you value your ego more than people's feelings. 

A little tip that can clearly categorize you, depending if you understand or not, into what they call mature and immature

Apologise...... You know why?

Cause you're old enough. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This just in for the night

Howdy little sunshines.

So this just in. i feel like i have something to brag about so i SHALL carry on and brag about it.

No consumption of food or water in my tummy for 23 hrs. which means, im practically relying on oxygen to live. coming from a monster like me, its not such an easy thing esp when i dont go on diets. but things hav begun to change for idk what reason exactly and the monstrous greedy beastly me i guess is on the verge of endangerment.

As funny as how it sounds, i dont like this feeling of feeling really hungry and just look or feel completely weak and malnourished. dont really know whats up w my body nowadays but i think im just gonna give myself at most the next 48hours to get back on track.

Most of you may hav no clue what im going at.

Its just that, now when i dont eat or drink, i do feel hungry but i kinda like the feeling of being hungry and i just know, and am really sure i wont grab something to munch on.

This feeling of being hungry and not succumbing to grab smtg to eat is.......great. i feel light.

Im not starving though. i just..dont know whats up w me lately.

so tmr as promised to simin, imma bring some pringles to class and keep myself awake by having a happy tummy.

I like to live by my own sayings. that a happy tummy is never a hungry tummy.
makes sense? no?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My barbie girl

Specialty at its best <3

What horror

Im ready for bed w my zara trafaluc and my comfy cotton on's he he. its monday tomorrow and i ask help from every single soul i know to help pull me through such a rough day of school thats waiting for me in a few hours time. i could really use some luck right now.

Bitter is what im feeling.

Whats on my mind

So i was on facebook browsing through the newsfeed with my disinterested face and i see some new generations coming onto facebook w a whole new style. not such a flattering style though but its always the same w facebook. you got the bunch of suck-ups who compliment you 14 hrs a day straight and then you hav the ppl who are doing so much for others to like their own photo like LIKING A PHOTO IS SUCH A HUGE DEAL. and then you got some people who just posts statuses on facebook that i've already seen before and then you hav other people who are just normal- using facebook to interact.

and then there's me who'se just waiting for the right moment to deactivate it all.

So i scroll down and i see some people who sends out messages to their supposed haters and its just the lamest thing ever. they take pics of idk...lets give an example.

they take pics of their new iphone cover maybe or they have the preview tix to hp7p2 and their caption will be some loser shout out to their haters like "Mummy got me tix to hp7p2. haha haters i got the tix before you guys did" OR "Look at my iphone cover. it worths something unlike you haters out there" like what the freak what are you trying to do -__- why dont you just bury a cow the proper way ok its much beneficial cos reading your crap on facebook has no benefits to me whatsoever. and stop using the word haters. not like you hav so many fans till the point that you hav to prove to your "haters" that hating someone like you is smtg that they will regret.

LOL why would i regret. i mean if you're jennifer lopez obviously i will regret but you're some lower sec in bedok view who perhaps just got a fb. so. congrats on getting a fb. you're officially a superstar and you'll be earning 60 bux per status and per like on facebook.

I shall end my post w aura's photo cos i just miss her )";

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Running a flu

My friday was pretty good but the week has been such a chore. Its like i start out with such a disgusting monday heading to school early in the morning having math for almost an hr and then there's extra physics class for an hour which is just mad torture to me and i cant seem to depict whats gonna happen whether im able to pull thru or im just going to drop dead and tell mum im gonna quit education and just marry a hotshot boy. my future's up to me riiiight......

Anw shopping w my mum is cool and all but its so exasperating. i saw 2 knitted cardigans that were pretty cute and it was cheap and i wanted to get it but my mum just ignores me. and when we see some nice stuffs she'll be giving me false hope asking me whether i wanna buy it but in the end she walks away from the shop leaving me w no money whatsoever, no time for me to tell her whether i WANT the product or not and just leaving me there while she goes in other stalls which is some way of indirectly telling me to follow her and leave my desires to buy smtg. like seriously she just leaves me w nothing and when i check my wallet to see if i do hav any available cash of which usually i wont hav any and i mean the whole world revolves around money am i right. i cant just go in a shop and frickin' PAY WITH MY SMILE.

so now im running a flu. dont know how that happened.

and happy birthday sis. you're finally 17.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1992 child

I told myself that i'll have to meet you before i die. & that promise is still valid ;)

Unf I&#8217;d come to you anytime Chico.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Lol. the time where my fringe was like a bee nest and...hay


Saw a pink sky today. it only lasted for a few minutes. but i consider myself lucky to hav been able to see it cos all the issues about the eclipse moon, the orange moon, the big bright moon and everything nice that happened to the moon was something that i wasnt able to see. not that i didnt want to see it but i just couldnt. soo seeing the pink sky was really pretty. and it comforts me again reminding me that this universe im living in is better than the best fairytale out there. and we all knw that fairytales dont really exist but the universe is something that we cant escape from.

its like a kind of scary that is refreshing i'll hav to say??

No tears wasted

Soo i just watched a walk to remember and it was really great. i may sound monotonous now but thats cos if i were to sound so cheerful and happy then its gonna be a bit lame cos after you watch a sad movie you'll "still be in the mood" so if i were to sound cheery then it just sounds awkward. but thats in my opinion anyway.

and fyi i did not cry. i wonder when's gonna be the nxt time i start crying while watching a movie. not that this movie wasnt good, it was srsly enough to make me cry. but the fact that my hearts like i dont know, literally made out of steel or smtg, its hard to cry even if i really want to. i dont know how much more heartless i can get but i guess its not such a bad thing cos you'll seem like the strong one- being the only one crying among your other friends. i gotta admit you do feel like a king of the jungle if your friends cry over a movie and you dont.

so as my title states.
no tears was wasted.

but truly an exceptional movie.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What a cow

My friday was great.

I managed to eat like a cow and exercise better than a cow. seriously speaking, i walked mad a lot today! despite the fact that i was wearing shoes which are flat based, it usually wont contribute to a sore feet but now i look at my feet and the misconception that everyone gets which is "wearing sneakers is less pain than heels" are just inexperienced mamaheads who dont know better. and pain is a subjective term. krazy. sneakers are just as killer as heels. maybe thats just my own thinking and maybe im just being in denial but my thoughts can change instantly in a second HENCE i shud write down what comes across my mind as often as possible right?

Met kevin and mummyyyyyy for shopping he he i hav a great god bro now ;p

Anw after yrs, i finally touched a swimming pool which was great. swimming with jan was so relaxing but we were so stupid. we played dead in the pool and some meditation pose at the bottom of the pool, totally submerged in water. it was those kind of fun moments that's what you called..really really simple but retarded. but i mean fun can come in all forms and kinds right. if you're really really fat, like 400kg fat, you can hav a lot of fun by rolling down a hill like jack and jill or perhaps be another humpty dumpty or be the voice behind pedo barney. do smtg about your life to hav fun man.

Oh and i had macs. auntie anne. 2 packets of twister fries. salad. coke. red velvet. coke. 2 coke sweets. rice. rice with prawns. water = bloated animal monster even monstrous than the lochness monster combined with an ogre from a cave mixed with a giant found right on top of jack's beanstalk. WELL WTV its cool to eat.

An edward came back ;)

And sports carnival was rough. me and nas went a lil krazy and i got a bit grossed out bout you. i will never accept. and i hope you read my blog and hav some sense of common sense that maybe just maybe   me accepting you will just be smtg that is not easy to do. i've triple confirmed it already. dont tell me you're gonna wait till im 40. cos by then i'll already be married.

and it wont be to you.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My definition of luv

You're stupid to think someone can surpass them. I'll bet you my damn life. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Its too tough

The purpose of blogging is ACTUALLY to express your feelings and just update it about basically anything you want. and all the posts i hav written for the past yrs, including my past blog which has held around..more than 300 posts, i would honestly say that even that vast amount of update, i dont think i hav expressed my thoughts as clearly as i can. not only that, i cant' express everything i want here.

i do know how to express them. i really do.

but the fact that i know it would hurt people in many ways just saddens me. in fact, it questions me whether having this blog is helping me or not. its not like some private diary that i can just scribble every single piece of thoughts that i hav in my mind. all these thoughts are not sugar coated, they're not sweet and dandy as many might think.

& i still question myself whether i should make this blog private cause i hav too much ramblings and bitch thoughts in my mind that i just hav to type down cause im certain that that will definitely make me feel better, even if its just one percent.

you guys hav no idea how tough it is for me to keep this blog going. i hav so many drafts that i've written but never never published cause of my timid courage that apparently just speaks of cowardice.

if a blog is to express my inner most feelings, then i dont think i call this a blog.

its just able to give me minimum satisfaction for at most,......only a few hours. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

3 day break

more like 3 day snores.

i dont think i would be getting any real work done apart from homework. and frankly speaking, i do not like the whole 're-exam' idea. i mean it just builds up complacency to other students hence not giving them any motivation to study harder for the next exam since now you guys hav already sparked the idea of having a re-exam  and when smtg good happens, everyone'll be waiting for another great thing to happen. just doesnt motivate me as much anymore. i'd rather you guys just scrap the whole idea cause im done crying cause of my results. and srsly mosquitoes hav been my new best friend. or maybe the weather's just being a raw mortal enemy cause my skin is being so irritated. i need proper hydration and moisture asap cause i cant spend my youth having skin that looks like a dry dead whale.