Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Something eventful

A few weeks back, my sister talked me into baking with her.

Initially i was so hesitant because i was extremely lazy and i really couldnt be bothered getting my butt off from the sofa to the nearest grocery store to purchase some baking necessities.

Little did i know, my mum was so supportive of this baking thing and so she left money behind for us to buy the ingredients we need so my hopes of not baking were completely dashed because the situation was really too fortunate and it seemed like everything would be going swell HENCE i just couldnt say no.

Im really not a baker, nor am i chef. Im more of a food taster y'know. And i hate decorating food. Its unnecessary unless im at an all-star restaurant.

I asked my sis regarding the betty crocker recipe we were going to use and she just had to burst my bubble by saying that we're going to make the cupcakes from SCRATCH. Which means extra work, extra effort = everything that i'm not.

I really dislike every step of the baking procedure. I guess the only thing i really enjoyed is cracking the egg, tasting the raw cupcake batter before it goes into the oven which honestly tastes freaking glorious with vanilla essence (i hope u guys know what im talking about) . AND i like smelling flour. I hate measuring the bicarbonate soda or wtv - i dont even know whats that for, i loathe melting the butter and mixing it because ever since i was in sec 1 i had this stupid phobia of having my right arm be bigger than my left arm hence i needed to ensure that i get rid of any opportunity capable for me to get cursed with excessive muscles.

I believe, very faithfully that there are people in the world whom have had developed muscles and a bigger arm than their other arm from baking- not to mention from mixing that stupid hard butter.

Anyway the baking experience i had with my sister was quite fun but ugh i really dont want to do it again. If i were to do it again, i just want to do it on a freaking massaging chair.

But on the bright bright side, the cupcakes turned out to be not bad! But i really wouldnt want to participate in such baking activity again because what i learned most from that day was that baking is a hassle and is something i really dont quite enjoy.

They are vanilla flavoured cupcakes topped with a nutella spread and redondo white chocolate and cream sprinkles. and they tasted AWSUM!

I think, i deserve a pat on the back dont you think! A wild snorlax (like me) could never have made it this far.

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