Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I see london i see france i see dubai in my underpants

I think the main reason why i have not been studying well or have not been consistently doing my homework with proper quality was because of not blogging about my december trip. So i hope this blog post will trigger me to greater productive days and a dash of accomplishment. Bless myself.

I was sick. But i cant stay at home after a plane ticket with my name has been purchased. I sucked it up though. I already felt a burning rush of excitement when our luggages were in my hallway. My poor brother couldnt come with us to the trip. Little did i know how suckish it really is to be a governments son.

HAHAHAH sick me + no appetite + no sense of taste = couldnt enjoy plane food = SAD

Reached dubai after 7 hours mai god and then took another 8 hour flight to london. So if you do the math, thats like freaking 15 hr flight in total...you wouldnt believe how sorry my butt felt ):

We had our own personal driver to bring us to our apartment we booked months ago and when we got off the car, it was freeeeeeeeezing cold and we only had our sweaters and jeans on!! No thermal wear whatsoever and no proper shoes no scarves gloves n-o-t-h-i-n-g. Checked the weather. And it was 6 deg!! We couldnt get into our apartment just yet so we had to walk arnd so my mum brought us to the apartment's lobby and we each took out an outerwear and scarf just so we wouldnt suffer so much.

The h&m there was freaking cheap but i didnt really give a shit cos i was really sick and all i wanted to do was to get some heater in me. Walked around a little bit and checked into our apartment which was really pretty and modern :) Super satisfied

Then we went out and it was drizzling and it was freaking 3 deg and i was feeling ridiculous. I think i was wearing 5 layers and i looked like a member of the teenage mutant ninja turtles with my yellow hoodie. Didnt give a damn bout how i looked....i figured i needed to be in the pink of health that time round.

The next day we woke up early and i wasnt still feeling well but instead i found out my period came so fml i just went with the flow and told myself to not make such a huge fuss so i had a really good breakfast, put on proper clothes and i was really positive that day despite going to a supposed OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET which meant NO HEATER. it was 4 - 5 deg

lol my face but ITS OK

hahah they were so friendly and cute!!!!

hehe my hilarious cousin

just had to put this cos i think i look so blurr

The next day i felt like i was superwoman!! Felt so much better and my sense of humour returned hehe! Feels great to be back. Feels really great....so i camwhored a little. just a little. + i got a really cute xmas present from scooper :DDDD

We went to visit big ben and london bridge. The latter srsly wasnt that spectacular. The big ben was really huge

Went to this cafe which sells really delectable pastries. it was really costly though but so worth the price!

Beware: Horses may kick or bite. Thank you! 

The next day we had to rise at around 5am to get ready to head down to MANCHESTER and watch the MANCHESTER UNITED VS WIGAN MATCH AT OLD TRAFFORD RD :DDDD It was around 3 deg :) Super chilly



The match was awesome and the atmosphere was really terrific i felt like a soccer fan i swear!! On our ride home we heard an indian student got shot in the head outside oxford street. we WERE at oxford street 2 days ago ); 

The next day was actually a holiday but we headed out anyway after playing a few rounds of intense taboo. We luv taboo!!! We visited buckingham palace and tower bridge and i dreamt of meeting prince william ): Temp: 4 deg

froyo! not as fantabulous as spore though :>

the place where the shooting occured ); 

THE NEXT DAY WE ARRIVED IN PARISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AH OMG PARIS BABEY PARIS!!!!!!!! didnt get to try escargot tho. Paris was mad cold. The lowest was 0 deg, the highest was uhm....1 degree HAHA

My sis and 'ziger' the stuffed tiger cub

On our way to the hotel!! ^^^^^^^^


Anw for the record be careful at all times. My sis almost got pulled away from us by this drunk man and in london, she almost got robbed. God really does watch over us 

Next day was our last day 

Very yummy bread so yummy that it deserves a caption

best vending machine ever. and coke is bloody awesome best drink ever esp in single digit cold weather

"hahahaahah my dad being a mr.bean"


heheh i luv my drawing like a love song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF im not wrong this was a mental hosp and my sis called me mental cos i wanted to take a photo with it


so that basically sums up my whole trip!!!!!! the next day we went to the airport and i finally watched THE LION KING on the plane!!!!! the cab fares in london were truly a killer and the weather was crazy cold but i havent had such fun in a long time :)

I have a crazy bunch of videos i will definately upload on this space. Just give me a little bit of slack before i can actually do so. Hope you all had a little taste of my fun 

and yes of course,
Thankxxxxx mummy and daddy i'll be extra good this time mwah

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