Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another post to make you angry

Its going to be pretty controversial this time round. I have already warned you. If you get angry with me, directly tweet to me through twitter and dont indirectly accuse me for having a heart so mean.

As some of you may know, im homophobic. In case you all dont know what that means, it just means that i have a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality and ppl who are identified as or perceived as being homosexual.

Everyone keeps on comparing prostitution with gay marriages and i think its a really ridiculous comparison because obviously gay marriages sound better than prostitution cause prostitution can kill you. Its the same thing as me asking you if you like tomatoes or your own bed. One, there's no link and secondly, of course you will freaking choose your bed. Same thing with prostituting and gay marriages. If someone asked me which one shud be banned, obv prostitution cause its done by all ages and marriage is smtg you can only tend to enter into when you're legal.

Comparison aside, i dont think gay marriages should be allowed. Yeah i do get it that people cant control themselves, they cant control who they like but people do know what is right from wrong. But since society is so f-ed up nowadays, you teach a dumb person, he/she'll get smart but if you teach someone so stubborn, the consequences of being obedient is slim. What im saying right now is, people DO know whats right and what is wrong. But they're too stubborn of a character to do anything about it.

Do you guys really find guy + guy kissing such a romantic thing to look at? People support homosexuals cause they dare to do their own thing and they're always out there looking for more attention. They see homos as a source of motivation to be proud of their own identity; to be proud of who they really are.  But in my opinion, what they're looking at is just a broken mirror. They cant see themselves clearly and are just blinded by the cracks in between.

God didnt make you this way. You chose to be this way.

And so correct me if you must. I would love to beg to differ such a controversial issue.

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