Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So sick

School is ending and usually when school's ending everyone will want to make the time in school a more fruitful one?

well, NOT ME. im so sick of school i just think it drags my time. i dont learn much and i've been coming late, sleeping late, walking slow, lazy lazy lazy. today was especially suckish. eunice jiajia naseha left early specifically at 9.25am(!!) for some track thing. and i was left all alone. but im thankful i have farzanah by my side yakking away and annoying me. F was so annoying just now. im already in a cranky mood cause i was really literally going to die even though i was in a comfortable environment. i dont sleep in school, i never have. so for me to just rest my head on the table will make me feel super uneasy so yeah i just sat there on my table getting annoyed by every single thing that was happening.

english was very slack. but we had to go to the library which i hate. not only that, we hav to move. and i hate learning outside of class with the exception of the AVA. so that sums up my eng period. nurul didnt anger me in any way. like i said earlier i was just cranky and i didnt want to do any physical movement a.k.a walking.

pe was replaced my farinna. i was angry cause i wasnt in the mood to think.

history was boring without jiahuiiiiiiiiii. didnt talk to anyone cause i was cranky cranky cranky k by now my word for the day shall be: CRANKY

chem was just chem but who am i to say that since i only attended 15 minutes of class.

recess was boring but i had my club sandwich so all's good. but it was annoying that ppl like to throw ice here and there. just. go to some......just go antarctica and play with the polar bears can.

and literature was totally free period. lit was pretty fun. had quite a few laughs with aqila farz simon hx ;) so to sum up my day it was just suckish.

but no matter how suckish it is, i bet princess toe feels like a princess today!

hehee happy 15th birthday hui jia ;) <3

I look very loser but jiahui doesnt so....i guess thats all that matters? heheee ok bye guys im going to...find some food and be a bear for the day

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