Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just watched a few epi of bof at naseha's place with aura just now. and we squealed like a squirrel on steroids. i feel like having a boyfriend while watching it, before i watch it, and after i watch it. its like, every single thing they say just sets your heart on fire and just make you feel frickin' happy to be a girl. dont know how boys feel like when they're in love though.

These are a few things i find very lovable in a guy:
i'll exclude.......good-looking/ hot/ hot body/ nice/ funny/ gd personality/ rich/ gd fashion sense cause plainly they're all cliche sad to say.


2) at least 10cm taller than me thanks. frankly speaking, i want him to be at least 12cm taller? i figured that if i were to say at least 10cm taller instead of 12cm taller, i wouldnt sound so much of a bitch.

3) killer sleek smooth voice.

4) when im bruised physically, i want him to place a plaster on me :')

5) hold my hand in front of his friends.

6) take that last few seconds to hug me goodbye before he leaves.

7) protective of me.

8) hav some sense of leadership. i dont find it cute in any way when a guy asks me where to eat for example, and i'll be like "anything" and then he'll also say "i also anything". no. just no. i dont want to waste 15 mins of my life deciding on somewhere to eat. so, i like my guy...as a leader. but no overpowering.

9) lend me his jacket when im insecure.

10) hug me.

11) wipe my tears away from me

12) doesnt spoil me.

13) gets...jealous? ;)

14) just be another.....junpyo.

15) or be an yijeong.

16) classy.

17) kisses me on the forehead AHHHHHHHHHH OMG


i cant list every single thing i want here.
cause then.......ppl will call me crazy. hehe i'll stop now bye!

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