Tuesday, May 31, 2011

something to pick about

i hate price tag.

i think her song is propaganda. something hitler would probably do. she's only singing that song and asking us to forget about money and that being rich isnt everything but i think she's hyprocritical in a way that she's now a big superstar who'se already getting big paychecks and huge loads of money.

"money cant buy us happiness"
nope i dont believe. she's only saying this cause i dont know maybe she didnt know about the frickin period where singapore was invaded by the japanese and that we had to suffer so much. ok not we, but our forefathers had to suffer like crazy cause to get food, they needed money, and the only way they can get money is by some card (i forgot what its called! whoops) which doesnt even hold much money to get much rice. no money, no food. no food, will lead to illness, and then you;ll end up getting all depressed cause you still wanna be alive and well but you just cant get treatment at a clinic, let alone a hospital. so you're already sad for more than half of your life and there's nothing much you can do about it cause the main thing you need is money to buy food, medicine and pay off the rent of shop houses and so on so forth.

"we just wanna make the world dance"
"forget about the price tag"
a) if no money = unable to buy musical instruments/ stereos = cant dance.
ok fine maybe there's beatboxing but.......someone's gonna get tired from beatboxing hence they need money to buy a drink but since you tell us to "forget about money" then ok he can die from dehydration or smtg. fair?

b) some ppl hate to dance. some dont see the joy in dancing. you cant please everyone

c) and forgetting about the price tag, or in other words, the VALUE/COST of smtg (whichever you wanna choose) is smtg you cant easily do. i kinda get some sort of vibe that the alternative method on forgetting about the price tag is uhm..ya to steal. and for the record, i dont sell myself off. if you're telling me to forget about my value, my pride, my respect for myself then i think that shit's just lame.anyway i do hav a price tag. and i dont come free. never have, never will.

Monday, May 30, 2011

its been pretty long?

Today kinda marks the start of holidays. and its also the o level mt paper!! dont really know if any 16, 17 yr olds read my blog but anyways bunch of luck to you guys!! i guess, if you give good luck to people, maybe karma wont be a bitch to you when you yourself are sitting for the paper. well anyways, i made a promise to myself that  when my holidays end, i'll be at least 5% smarter. but in the real world, 5% is considered...a lot right?

so my friday was spent at naseha's place dressing up and trying out clothes and comparing who'se butt is bigger. met janice too at parkway and headed to her place and played frickin black ops which i hate. i dont even know how to run in the game. and jan's younger bro is too cute to be true!!!!!!! and not to mention, i tried sogurt. which was a pretty embarrassing situation due to the fact that i didnt know it was self-service thus, i asked them i wanted this topping (thinking that they'll actually put the topping for me) but.. ha ha it was self service lol.

had some dance event thing that was frickin embarrassing. we had to dance in front of ion orchard in our yellow tees ha ha i felt like big bird. afterwards, headed to topshop f21 newlook with naseha and hansel and i tried bk a4dables and i dont rlly like it but its a totally worth the moneyy. slept over at naseha's place for the night sooo my saturday was pretty good.

its monday today so no surprise here, im heading out to town. ciao!

not to mention, its keanu's birthday <3
happy 15th birthdayyyyyyyyy my brooooooooo!!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My thoughts and feelings

Its kind of the last day of term 2 already and i know this sounds very cliche but time really does past by very fast >,< dont really like the speed the world's going right now. so life in school has been lame. and thunderous as beyonce's thighs. the main highlight of this day was playing taboo with nas simin aqila during eng period and i think our table was the only happening one. aqila wrote my name on the scoreboard as DUMBO. she really shud hav frickin thought twice cause hey babey i won ;)

 spring cleaning was totally unnecessary. but i helped out anyways. and i realised our class is in a total mess so i swept the floor. i think im the best sweeper. faliq swept after i swept the floor. dont really understand why he did that cause i dont want him to be cinderella. was supposed to clean for 2 periods straight which means no physics no a math = 2 hrs of cleaning. so i think malar and jit were satisfied with our cleaning soooo they let us watch a movie called "coach carter" which i guess is a pretty....morale show except for the part where they started making out and taking each other's clothes off and jit had to skip that part while all the boys eyes were literally like 0.0 so anyway i've been practicing DANGER and its reallyyy quite hard )': but other than that we got our dance t-shirts which hav jewles on them and speaking on jewels i really need to bling my phone all over again T.T

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So sick

School is ending and usually when school's ending everyone will want to make the time in school a more fruitful one?

well, NOT ME. im so sick of school i just think it drags my time. i dont learn much and i've been coming late, sleeping late, walking slow, lazy lazy lazy. today was especially suckish. eunice jiajia naseha left early specifically at 9.25am(!!) for some track thing. and i was left all alone. but im thankful i have farzanah by my side yakking away and annoying me. F was so annoying just now. im already in a cranky mood cause i was really literally going to die even though i was in a comfortable environment. i dont sleep in school, i never have. so for me to just rest my head on the table will make me feel super uneasy so yeah i just sat there on my table getting annoyed by every single thing that was happening.

english was very slack. but we had to go to the library which i hate. not only that, we hav to move. and i hate learning outside of class with the exception of the AVA. so that sums up my eng period. nurul didnt anger me in any way. like i said earlier i was just cranky and i didnt want to do any physical movement a.k.a walking.

pe was replaced my farinna. i was angry cause i wasnt in the mood to think.

history was boring without jiahuiiiiiiiiii. didnt talk to anyone cause i was cranky cranky cranky k by now my word for the day shall be: CRANKY

chem was just chem but who am i to say that since i only attended 15 minutes of class.

recess was boring but i had my club sandwich so all's good. but it was annoying that ppl like to throw ice here and there. just. go to some......just go antarctica and play with the polar bears can.

and literature was totally free period. lit was pretty fun. had quite a few laughs with aqila farz simon hx ;) so to sum up my day it was just suckish.

but no matter how suckish it is, i bet princess toe feels like a princess today!

hehee happy 15th birthday hui jia ;) <3

I look very loser but jiahui doesnt so....i guess thats all that matters? heheee ok bye guys im going to...find some food and be a bear for the day

Sunday, May 22, 2011


The clock is ticking too slowly. I wanna watch masterchef nowz tyvm.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

flaunt what you got. but dont flaunt your fats

They say the world's ending today.

sorry to say, but just stop playing god. fortune tellers make no sense. plastic surgeons should just learn to say no and dont do work on people's body. genetic engineering shouldnt exist and celebrity parents should just accept how their child will look like when it really comes out.

sooo if you're trying to make your child look perfect so that its all lovely and pleasant looking, you care more about their looks than their character dont you think? in other words, you wont love your child if he or she is ugly? they say love is blind. when you start to love, your total focus would be only on the love itself hence you wont notice the other things around you. love is blind because, for you to fall in love, you have to be satisfied with every single flaw every single defect. when your child has a nose too big, that should be one of the reasons why you love him or her. dont get plastic surgery done on her, modify her even when she's not even reached her birth date yet. if your child has no flaw, thats when you can conclude that she's a barbie doll. but then again, a barbie doll is fake and plastic. which brings me back to my point: dont do plastic surgery.

im not condeming anyone who wants to get plastic surgery. all im saying is that, god made you this way to see how you'll cope with it, what you'll think about your looks, whether you'll handle it with patience. never call yourself ugly. never tell yourself you're someone who doesnt bring any good to the world.

when you think about all the beautiful things in the world, dont forget to count yourself in :)

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hehehee meet janice ;)

ha ha omg jan is almost turning 16 in less than a months time! you can say she's like the one who really lifts all my spirits up, am most comfortable with when we gossip and comforts me when im down. seriously speaking i really dont really know what will happen if i hadnt met her. one thing im super sure of is that, im pretty sure my life wouldnt be as colourful ;) love you jan<3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

my toes hurt more than yours

my toes suffered yesterday because of inline skating. and today it suffered from dance! i feel like my shoe has no more friction too >.< but hey no pain no gain right. learnt a very interesting hip hop choreo for dance just now and it was pretty intense. i felt like i was in a gym. and i think i lost weight. ha ha you suckers who did not join dance can go bury a hole and hide yourself there. i hope all of you will never lose weight and be a watermelon.

soooo anyway it was my first time seeing terrence. and....he's very charming. ;) 

i have a deep feeling this saturday will be fun cause im meeting very lovely people. not so lovely though, i aint sure if i can really go. 

its friday tomorrow. 
i hope jia hui gets better. but i myself am tryna curse myself to fall ill. dont wanna run tomorrow. my feet's already dead. how am i gonna sprint? *_*

ANYHOO i had my starbucks caramel frapp today for half priced, venti sized with nusehahehoohoo. cant believe i accompanied her all the way to siglap just to get it before my dance starts. and congrats to nickelodean for being captain for bowling!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

do you know

I dont know how others might feel about what im gonna type.
perhaps they might feel annoyed that im as sour as a soursop or as emo as an...emoji?

nonetheless, i'll just type out what i feel like saying. even if its not grammatically correct or doesnt make any sense to any of you, it does to me.

we got back most of our results today. i dont know whether to smile or cry. i cant really cheer myself up anymore cause what im feeling right now is just pure denial and that if i do comfort myself saying that i'll do better next time is something pretty vague to me.

i just felt like i disappointed my mum. i used her money for my education. i used her money to buy new clothes. i depend on my mum. and my mum had faith in me doing well. and i too actually. i studied very hard for my mid years but what i got back is not a single trace or evidence of my blood sweat and tears. it hurts. it hurts so much to think that you're so stupid and when everyone comforts you saying that you're not stupid, you just cant be bothered by their words cause you know yourself best and that they're only saying that as they....did better and are happy with their results. but you're not. you're just not.

and this mid yr result just kills me in every way. i dont know how to face my mum. i dont know how she'll take it and i dont know what she's gonna say to me, to my bro, to my sis to my dad. i dont know if she can see my hard effort taking the initiative to study every single day for at least 2 hrs. i dont know if she can see that inside her little girl's mindset is only to accomplish one thing:

and its to just make you proud.

but here i am just crying my lungs out, not being able to breathe and wonder if thats really possible. can you wait for me? wait for me to make you happy and to make you proud even if it takes me longer than expected?

sorry mum if im a disappointment. but i'll accept any punishment you give me. i'll accept any single scolding any hurtful words...i will accept it all. cause im trying to change mum. i want you to see me succeed. cause i know thats what you want me to be. and you want me to be happy too.

but mum,........ i'll be over the moon if you can see me succeed.
i'll be so happy that no money no brand name can compare.

i just dont want to disappoint you anymore... );

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just watched a few epi of bof at naseha's place with aura just now. and we squealed like a squirrel on steroids. i feel like having a boyfriend while watching it, before i watch it, and after i watch it. its like, every single thing they say just sets your heart on fire and just make you feel frickin' happy to be a girl. dont know how boys feel like when they're in love though.

These are a few things i find very lovable in a guy:
i'll exclude.......good-looking/ hot/ hot body/ nice/ funny/ gd personality/ rich/ gd fashion sense cause plainly they're all cliche sad to say.


2) at least 10cm taller than me thanks. frankly speaking, i want him to be at least 12cm taller? i figured that if i were to say at least 10cm taller instead of 12cm taller, i wouldnt sound so much of a bitch.

3) killer sleek smooth voice.

4) when im bruised physically, i want him to place a plaster on me :')

5) hold my hand in front of his friends.

6) take that last few seconds to hug me goodbye before he leaves.

7) protective of me.

8) hav some sense of leadership. i dont find it cute in any way when a guy asks me where to eat for example, and i'll be like "anything" and then he'll also say "i also anything". no. just no. i dont want to waste 15 mins of my life deciding on somewhere to eat. so, i like my guy...as a leader. but no overpowering.

9) lend me his jacket when im insecure.

10) hug me.

11) wipe my tears away from me

12) doesnt spoil me.

13) gets...jealous? ;)

14) just be another.....junpyo.

15) or be an yijeong.

16) classy.

17) kisses me on the forehead AHHHHHHHHHH OMG


i cant list every single thing i want here.
cause then.......ppl will call me crazy. hehe i'll stop now bye!

half empty

Nothing has been going well for me actually. maybe its just karma biting on my neck as the days go past. havent been blogging much since i've been going out every single day and coming back home pretty late. and when i do come home, i watch my momo love on the laptop or watch some other reality shows. anyway, i have been sick but i didnt really show it. once i go under the sun, i dont know if i'll crumble and just lay on the floor totally fit to be a stone or maybe i'll just melt like a popsicle and cats will lick me. maybe being licked by a cat aint so bad. hur hur hur. so i have been watching boys over flowers again ever since the last time i watched it which was when it aired on kbs, two yrs ago ;)

and one of the days, i met up with bffl and we went to flb6 which was i dont know, JUST MAD AWESOME. and also, we went to an abandoned place and just played monopoly deal at the lonely starbucks. if you guys noticed my blog has been usually more words, and less pictures. maybe i shall just put a few pics of may 16.

Dry post i must admit. i dont really have the mood for anything right now :/

Saturday, May 14, 2011

my friday 13th

I didnt want to celebrate my friday the 13th alone at home watching momo love. so called naseha up and headed to her place with aura and we watched boys over flowers. haha super long ago show but naseha the slow poke hasnt watched it yet so no harm done watching it again. plus i miss every single moment of the show. i remember i was obsessed with watching it on tv almost every night.

so yeah, it was awesome fun just sitting there being couch potatoes with sore butts and eating junk food every single moment of the show and squealing at all those sweet romantic moments. ate ice cream and oreos which were pretty much an awesome combo and ate rice chips which they say is a preferred choice since..its healthier but i dont believe this kind of senile prank. i say....if you feel fat after eating it then yeah you did gain a few pounds and you are fat. ok. im just joking. soooo watched bof like non stop all the wayyyyy for hours and hours and we constantly changed our seats and positions to get the perfect view of the tv. and just laughed all the exam stress away. its been a few days since my exams has ended. but i cant help to not get over about that gut feeling after your exams all done and then you tend to rethink about how you have done for the paper and the feeling you get is just pure torture. i just screwed every paper i did for my mid year.

my friday wasnt creepy in any way. it was just...simple? they say the smallest things take up the biggest room in our hearts. who knew just hanging out watching movies all day long could be so fun.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my exams are over!

four best words ever for the day. by far.

i shall put a depressed picture of myself for this joyous day. off to meet janice ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

monday blues aint so blue

Wassup i just got back from the ice cream shop where i did some productive studying and pastamania where i had spicy pasta. i dont know what has been up with my appetitie lately. seems like..its decreasing and my level of tolerance for consuming spicy stuff seems to deteriorate. and the weather recently has been killer. total killer. i felt toasted when i walked under the sun today. i guess this is how a bread must feel like getting toasted in an oven. and i think x-5 is very chic. much better than the rookies this day apart from block b which is pretty much the 3rd love of my life. twitter seems to be so......empty at this hr. pretty creepy. not to mention, im beginning to take a huge interest in folklore. maybe im just getting old. but hey no way hosay man. im only 15. and taylor swift told me that when you're 15, when someone tells you they love you, you gotta believe them.


way to go taylor swift.
when im 15, i learn the hard way. when someone tells me they love me and in the end i find out that its all a lie, i accept it. i accept the fact that i was being gullible and foolish to have believed that person. when im 15, i learn that I DO have people in the world who loves me for who i am and for who i hav become. i learn that you have to earn respect and love and you just dont get it immediately. when im 15, i learn in history class and i learn in social studies that i have to make inferences in life. when im 15, i begin to infer from your shitty song lyrics and think that all of this is total crap.. when im 15, i learn that im not living in a dream and know that not everything is smooth sailing and that this era im living in is total reality. and i cant comfort myself saying that everything will be a total fairytale. im not living in a fairytale.

i learn to suck it all up. and accept my mistakes.
cos thats life. and life isnt thinking you're in some fairytale.

what's on my mind

the 9th of may just started and im awake for the first 20 minutes already. right now, im feeling pretty angry. yeah i dont think anyone will understand me at all actually. not a good way to start my 9th of may. plus. the weather is annoying.

on a happier note there's no school today which explains why im still not in bed at this hr.

and i learnt about ANGELS for religious classes today. i learn whats really the true meaning of such magnificence and such....wonder. dont wanna imagine what angels looks like. no. i dont wanna imagine at all.

plus 2 more paper for me and i can call my mid year OVER for 2011.

and if no one's gonna hav blueberry pancakes with me then im just gonna hav it by myself

Sunday, May 8, 2011


dont really know whats wrong with me for the past couple of days. i dont know why im suddenly thinking about the fantasy world. you know those kind of legendary creatures that some say are a total myth and some say they are somewhat true. i dont know whats been going on with my mind and who has been playing around with my thoughts but i cant help but to be curious if they're really true or not. i mean, wont you guys wanna believe its true? i think if we have mermaids living in the sea, it'll be so majestic and fairies that hover around the forest filled with pine trees will be such a sweet sight, unicorns and pegasus hiding in a biiiiiig cave  and then the other down side where there'll be ogres and dragons that'll thirst on humans and blow fire or carry around a sledgehammer. sounds creepy but...wont you guys wanna believe its true?!??

my cousin told me they created a documentary on this and my sis told me that mermaids are supposedly those that sing and lure lions and eat them. ok im a barbie girl. have you guys watched barbie in a mermaid tale or mermaidia? i dont know if mermaids will look like that and i dont know if they look AS pretty as those in the barbie movies. but have you guys ever wondered how this ..... tale of mermaids just sparked out of nowhere? i have. i mean for someone to come up with a mermaid most prolly might have seen them before for prolly a half a second or a nanosecond right? maybe you guys think im childish thinking about this. the kid in me still hasnt came out. and dont give me nonsense saying that all this are baby tales. i bet you guys have thought about this before. its exactly the same as...."do dinosaurs exist"

Friday, May 6, 2011


you guys just gotta pity me man. im running out of pictures so fast i've been reusing my pics over and over again from my past blog. ok so we're given a long weekend which means school for us starts on tuesday which is pretty much of a good thing but i just cant help taking it for granted :( i feel pretty angry at myself for not studying at all today or even yesterday and its such a waste! im given extra time to catch up but here i am practically just staying in my own force field which wont even last long. once the exam starts, my force field will burst. pretty much like a bubble. and maybe i wont float and hover through the air anymore and the only thing im able to do is to just...fall. and whats so fun about falling when all you get is a bruise on your body which can pretty much be a permanent scar. and no one'll like scars. maybe i'll just stay up tonight.....and burn the midnight oil.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


W asked me what was love. and i couldnt answer. i tried googling it but google couldnt give me the right answers. and now im trying to find the answer myself. i think that love is somewhat indescribable. but i cant say so much about what i think since i hav no experience. maybe im too young to think about love. the only love i hav is for my friends and families. i thought that was love. but right now as im pushing through life, i do think that there are other kinds of love. i dont hav any strong feelings for any guy right now. but now im thinking, i guess love is total bliss. 

Guess what

Im almost done with mid year!!!!!!!!!!!! physics paper today was pretty killer for me and my ss&lit arent really smtg that im proud of. i hope i do well for literature though. like really well. but i dont know i didnt really finish my last 2 sentences. math is something that has never been my forte. so, i dont really wanna talk about math. on the plus side, there's a 4 day holiday for us which is pretty kewl. i can finally have a short break and catch up with some stuff perhaps. 2 more papers for me, and a few more weeks to the june holidays ;)

AND this picture of me was so old! the time when i had black lips and people thought i smoked. hmmm...