Monday, February 28, 2011

dont expect luck all the time

i did mention i studied pretty hard for this year's first common test. got back half of our scripts today and its not impressive. i got a freaking B for lit and i dont think i can accept that. cant i just get one more mark to obtain one A? and math was a killer paper. and i got killer results.  not in a good way though. i got a friggin single digit number over 40. with results like this..... how in the world am i gonna get in to JC? -.-

pity me pity me pity the soul out of me...... i got an A for chem though but i hav a gut feeling my physics i'll either fail or get a C6. i know this may seem like im cursing myself but i really cant help it. seems like today's one of those days where there's a big cloud above my head with no sunshine.

i miss manhatten fish market omg i cant wait for march hols : )

not to mention, today marks the start of the B div tournament for my beloved bowlers. natt, nick, wira, marcus, roy, abby, ernest, fatanah - good luck guys, love you : )

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