Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines day xoxo


to be honest, i wasnt actually so stoked bout valentines day cos i hav to do so many things all in one day but it seems like im kind of the most excited one for valentines day :) forget about being a couple, i hav one whole stretch of lovely honeybees celebrating it with me. the more the merrier, the happier i get :) 

heheee i love my girls :) the first valentines i spent, and the best one so far hehe im a happy chick today i feel super loved cox everything went well minus the part where ms farinna came to class and taught us completing the SQUARE which i SUCK in. i dont like~ 

and i feel super happy for janice!!! :D


P.S chingay was awesome tooo bad you suckers didnt go heheeee ok ct1 is cmg happy studying but for now, enjoy tdae filled with LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE XOXO YOU KNOW U LOVE ME MUACKS

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