Saturday, November 5, 2011

Top 2 ppl i hate

I hate taylor swift and justin bieber.

Taylor swift tries to act like she's always a fricking victim in her songs. I honestly wont give you sympathy if you got dumped by your boyfriend via the telephone ok. There are other ppl out there who got abused by their boyfriend and they dont publicise it. Talk about attention seeker. I hate it that you make yourself seem you're a nice girl such an angel but you tweet stuff that is so not proportionate to your character. I dont know how to explain but im sick of you always writing songs about the same thing, about something only stupid girls can relate to. Im sick of hearing songs only about love from you and listening to your fantasies you wish to happen when the radio is playing in the car. Sometimes you just have to knock out of that childish shell you have and learn to grow the hell up.

Justin bieber i hate how you think you're some hot teenager i hate how ppl make you so famous when i honesly think you're so normal. I dont see any star appeal, no charisma, nothing. You made that stupid movie, which indirectly is propaganda to people so that they can love you. I hate how you made that movie after michael jackson's This Is It. I hate your voice, i think the way you sing is so normal and i hate how you're a couple with selena gomez. I hope you can find someone your own size cause i cringe when i see you both together. Its so irritating to see you receive so much recognition for things that arent even worth getting recognition for. I hate all your songs. I honestly dont see anything special in you cause even though you're older than me, i cant help but see you as someone who'se a wannabe and someone who struggles getting passed their puberty. Life was so much cooler when people typed justin, and justin timberlake came out. Not justin bieber.

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