Saturday, October 15, 2011

My chicken wings

Let me clear one thing.

When the dinner menu or lunch menu at home is chicken, i spring a little forward back to life.
When the dinner menu or lunch menu at home is chicken, in other words, im really satisfied.

Conclusion: I love chicken.

When there's chicken at home, i ask my maid smtg before devouring into my meal.
When there's chicken at home, i make sure there are chicken wings in the dish.

Cause i only eat chicken wings.

Conclusion:  I love chicken. Wings.

One chicken has two wings. So these two wings, are ALWAYS for me.
No one dares to take my wing and no one in the house takes wings. So they're all for me.
I eat one wing for lunch, one wing for dinner. Yay. Satisfied.
So. There isnt really much chicken wings to give around or spread the love cause im greedy with my food.

And if someone takes my chicken wings (this has happened so many times), i will complain.
Complain. Whine. Whine whine whine whine.

I will be so pissed off that i would not eat any other parts of the chicken.
If the rice at home is really good, i would eat it with vegetables only. No chicken.

Conclusion: Dont be a bitch and steal my chicken wings.

I was born to eat chicken wings man. Its birthmark.
You are a murderer if you take my birthmark away.

And i will shoot you and dial 999, 999 times.
You started it first. Hell no would i turn myself in for shooting you.

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