Friday, December 9, 2011

A very happening day

Woke up mad early, at 6 and started my day with hotcakes <3 The satisfaction was temporary as the repercussions and the careless beings of having only 4 hours of sleep were catching up.

Bear with me. Its going to be a pretty lengthy post this time round =)

We were issued some welcoming kits of which had singapore's map and some sightseeing places in singapore for the regional artists. So was assigned to different terminals, and we had to seperate.

So this is the order of their flights.

Indonesia > Phillipines > Malaysia > Thailand > Vietnam

I was so stoked for thailand cos i hoped so bad that there were gonna be cute boys or someone cute. I was so despo to fetch them and i was already waiting for them at terminal 2 BUT THEN my 2nd sis called asking me to run back to send the welcoming kits which she forgot to take from my first sis sooo i had to chase away my sad

And the vietnam girl was so frickin pretty she's like a fricking princess!!! Dress so nice, talk so soft and sweet, so cute and sophisticated ah omg IM YOUR NUMBER ONE FANGIRL

Never in my life have i ever thought i would be the one carrying this. Im always the one laughing behind the back of people who HAVE to do this. But...........

I had to carry THIS. If not..........i die and u all will cry.

So after sending them off to scape, we headed to ritz carlton. The service was beyond impeccable and i felt like I was the fricking princess ok. And there was this rlly cute guy there and i swear he's not much older than me but definitely older. I can sense it.

It was rest and relax for the artists, same so for us so we went for some touch ups. Ok basically, i didnt really have anything to touch up on my face except for some powder but thats it. 'Touch ups' just sound sophisticated?

I look like a naked mole rat.

Anyway the toilet was so toasty and happy and it had a sofa. Ok ive been to ritz carlton before and i have been to a hotel before so all this stuff isnt new i just like to describe things, IF you havent noticed. So dont find me annoying!! *angel eyes*

And i was present for the press conference and i saw train, mike posner and hao ren!! Actually, this are the only 3 i care about. Hao ren is so cute i want him to be my teddy bear. I chope already ah. You all cannot take.

So the first day ended really great and we reached home around 7? Freshened up and charged my phone cause i had a super tight instinct that a fully charged phone is super essential the next day.

The next day was full of surprises and mayhem. I dont really want to go in detail for this since im really lazy to type it all out. I'll just make it as simple as possible.

This was when we were trying to avoid the indonesians. They were so cheeky and flirty i wanted to hurl. Im standing directly in front of the xmas tree...which was where hao ren was standing like 2 minutes ago. Im so bummed i didnt have the guts to snap a photo with him. SCREW MYSELF.

Oh and hao ren is really tall. Checked out his height cause *ahem* my mum had uhmm a copy of his passport and so i found out he is really tall. Like my ideal tall. 183cm! Ah what a show stopper

My really awkward smile trying to maintain similar sizes for both eyes and to prevent myself from looking like kermit the frog.

In case you all are so clueless about whats actually going on, me and my sisters are helping out my mum's company to guide the regional artists. But these artists are actually competition winners from their own countries, and they're not super well-known. They're here for the sony contest which will give out 1k to 5k to the top 3 winners =)

Unexpectedly, or as expected, it rained. And we had to ferry the artists to the stage.

I luv boys with thai accent no actually i like anything thai
thai girls thai boy tom yum so yummy yum yum

Oh and did i mention, singapore was competing as well? I'll blog about them the next post.
Let me freaking defame the shit out of them.

And i bumped into phyras's brother and we became cool friends!! Actually all of us were one happy family except for the sporean artists and everyone's so kind to one another it felt so homey minus the sporean artists. OK this post, is international biased. Spore........i dont really want to say anything about them for now

So after everything's done, IT WAS THE CONCERT.

Now i wanna go to a concert!! Ahhhh should have followed nas &bunny to flo rida

And train was wonderful =) hey soul sister was sooooooooooo great

Red lights

If you have the eyes of a hawk, you'll notice my face is seriously copy paste from the previous picture. No, not copy paste from my sis ok. I still dont get what people see in us, to say that we look so damn alike. Cause honestly, we are so different. Its like im the rabbit, and she's the sun.


Anyway, train waved at me like 2x and mike posner was only 30cm away from me im not kidding i swear i swear

So here are the regional artists. Trust me, in real life, they're drop dead gorgeous. I felt so alone cause apparently they were all so colourful and happy and you have me..........who is decked out in black. like FULL-BLACK.

I dont think being a ninja was necessary on that day.


Malaysia truly asia!


Phillipines!! They clinched 2nd prize and i swear they are all like little mermaids ok! so melodious and happy

Thai again hahah you can see im damn biased

A very nice bunch!!

There wasnt much photos with me and the vietnam girl ): but she got 1st prize ahh omg i was so happy for her that i screamed "I LOVE YOU VIETNAM" when she went to receive the prize haha i didnt give a shit when ppl stared at me sigh wish i could show u guys more of her! Anyway dont chu think my all access pass is so wicked cool i feel like a celebrity

Ended my day at 11pm getting a lot of hugs and thanks from all the artists. And the next day, we're all facebook friends!! How much happier can i get hehe

Oops i left spore out.

Like i give a shit.

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