Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ask yourself

It kills me how im always the one being hated upon just because of my freedom of speech, just because i have different likings. I dont know why everyone is being such a bitch just because i say whats on my mind. If you dont know what i really mean, its called an opinion and i swear you all have one too.

Some opinions are so destructive and some opinions are a delight. But nothing in this freaking world comes all sugar coated. Dont tell me you guys havent said shit about a particular topic, and dont swear to me that you guys have never had a bad opinion on something before. You are all lying, you're all lying to me. Stop making me feel like im so sinned, and stop making yourself look like you're one freaking angel.

I have learnt from my parents, that some opinions are meant to be hidden and are not meant to be said out loud. But sometimes, you just want to say your opinions out, because you want people to appreciate a piece of your mindset and you want people to know something about you, even if it means just a percentage of your profile.

I made this blog to get noticed. Im going to be super frank about this. I want people to read my blog because i want them to appreciate my own opinions. I dont consider myself such a bad guy because, things that i hate, i have reasons for hating them. I dont get why im so wronged about this. WHAT ON EARTH HAVE I DONE WRONG?

If you're so bothered about every single shit i say, then we all should be born mute. Let this world be a boring and uneventful thing that has ever happened in our dull lives.

So you guys can criticize and say how much you hate kpop and i cant say two cents about why i dislike 2pm? So you guys talk shit about how angsty i always am, but i cant state how bothered i am about your attitude? Am i from a level so inferior compared to all you? Who do you think you are? You're not a freaking prophet, so dont freaking lecture me.

When i say something offensive, people get offended. Ok fine, im sorry but i cant change for you. I just cant. Who am i to make everyone happy? Im not the damn president, for goodness sake.

You guys think you're so good and you treat me like a criminal.
You guys act like you've never said anything mean before, and you see me as a disrespectful bitch.

Why would you want to do that to me? )': 

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