Thursday, March 15, 2012

My 16th year

5th february 2012

Happy 16th to me!!! By far, this has been the best birthday ever! I had the sweetest texts from all my friends and even had nas surprise me at my doorstep at 12 midnight on the dot!! Had loads of birthday surprises and happy moments during my birthday. Even though i didnt get a new phone (as tradition), im still really happy :)

Celebrated my birthday @ meatworks with my family, had sushi with the girls (another post) and had bibimbap with my two best friends


P.s i got the sweetest satchel from jan, the prettiest polka dot bag from bestie & the loveliest tumbler from my favourite cow

jfngoeimwamfkervgkjrgnrt my heart is so touched ~~^_^~~ 

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