Thursday, March 15, 2012

A friend in need, is a friend indeed

When your friend is in trouble, you try your best to help her even though you cant go to her physically, you cant literally be by her side at that time; you contact her via phone call to assure she's alright or if she just needs a shoulder to cry on, or a heart to lean on, and you make sure that you're there for her. No matter how far he/she is from you, if an earthquake struck and you were the only one living in this world, you'll do anything to save yourself and save her as well. Cause when your friend is in trouble, you risk your pride to make sure she is safe and sound. Cause nothing is better than finding out you're the cause of the remedy; you're the one who helped her up and you're the one who saved her from crumbling into the cracks of the earth. Nothing is better than knowing the raw truth of you taking the damn initiative to have brought her back to life again.

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