Sunday, January 30, 2011

relaxed weekend

its weird checking ure daily sch planner, and you realised that "oh there isnt much homework for the weekend" there wasnt much hw given to us and plus i met up with adil aura nas :)

life in sec 3 has been super stressful and not relaxed in any friggin way so this weekend gave me the chance to take a chill pill and sit back and relax for a short short short short short super short while before things get hectic again once monday starts. and when monday starts, school starts. and when school starts, homework; tests; exams come. and when all of the above comes, stress comes.

and when stress comes................ pimples come. 

ahhh omg i still remember the holidays. me and nas were talking about how much us all girls would always go out. every single day we'll be texting one another asking what we were gonna wear where we're gonna go. and when we dont have any plans, we stay at home and all of us will watch gossip girl, natt will be the only one watching one tree hill and some of us will be working.........

chinese new year is coming and to be honest, im super pissed cos its like near my birthday which means holidays and i dont like it when my birthday falls on a holiday or public holiday cox its just so annoying. the attention wont be on me it'll be on the holiday. haha i sound like such an attention seeker but im seriously very angry cos ya.......... i just have my reasons OK. 

ok i know the pictures all really have no link but just keep ure complaints to ureself pls. i got no mood to talk back plus my ulcer is killing me. there's schoool tomorrow! happy resting everyone :)

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