Saturday, December 14, 2013


Recently i downloaded Dayre on my iPhone.

Its this mobile application which allows you to blog more conveniently, post photos and read other people's posts while you're on the go. Its definitely a more convenient and accessible alternative as compared to the trusty ole' blogger website where (although there is a blogger application but it kinda sux) you kind of have to blog from either your laptop or a big computer. 

I gotta admit. I do admire the functionality of Dayre but the satisfaction i get from brewing up a post is definitely much less! Unfortunately on Dayre you have a word limit which just SUCKS big time because usually i have a lot to say and i tend to beat around the bush. 

Im not looking for a blogging alternative to hone my summary or paraphrasing skills. No. I want a blog where i am able to pour everything out and just sit down and collect my thoughts with no interruption. 

I hate word limits! It stops you from FULLY expressing yourself, and it prevents you from de-cluttering your thoughts. Blogging is supposed to be free! Oh how the irony! How can a blogging platform restrict you from babbling away when the sole purpose of blogging itself is to be yourself and to share your opinions and your notions and your views and your feelings and your stories and your yadadadadada!!! 

Screw it seriously!

The only time i will appreciate such a constricting and annoying word limit will be ten years down the road when im finishing my thesis paper. THAT will be something i'll appreciate. Not this. 

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