Saturday, December 28, 2013

In a nutshell: 2013

This year left me gasping for air. 

I was genuinely afraid that I couldn't keep up with how fast everything was and how things got so different so quick. To say I was on an emotional roller coaster would be an extreme understatement because what I endured for this past year was far more treacherous and exhausting than the previous years that have passed. 

Not only have I learnt (and cried) a lot academically, I have felt a lot too. 

Many of my friends are very well aware that my heart is hard to break and I am FAR from an emotional wreck and miles away from turning into soft jelly (emotionally) but this year, I have understood the true meaning of genuine compassion and love. I learnt that in life we must treat others how we want them to be treated and we must do things with heart. We must have good intentions. 

To be frank, I am very guilty for not being the nicest person on earth but believe me, I am trying to change. 

I have hurt many people in my life. People I love and even acquaintances that have made the effort to get to know me. I tend to shun people away with how nonchalant I am towards them and even after reciprocating in a rather negative fashion, and HURTING THEM, I still don't feel guilty how I have scarred a fraction or more of their feelings. This is one thing my mum always nags at me about. She claims that i am kind-hearted. But I tend to be very bitter towards people who have done absolutely no wrong. 

I felt the pain and horror of being lonely too. Excruciating. A stab in the most sensitive cell. A heartwrenching ache. I don't want anyone to feel how I felt a few months ago. Because its something that I genuinely think can make people crazy.. Can make people feel suicidal and hateful. It's a deep hole that I think not everyone can make out from alive.

Before this gets any more depressing, I will say that... Things that screw you up like these will be the reasons why you grow up and LEARN. Cliche I know!! I know how boring and predictable this sentence gets but life is like that! It screws you up and makes you have bad days and makes you cry your heart out but then it forces you to just move on because somewhere deep in the back of your freaking head will be common sense. And common sense WILL WILL WILL just tell you to suck it up and go forward because that will be the only way you will learn. Everyone will have these kind of moments. It's just at different intervals in life. The problem is everyone just seems to lose faith and aimlessly just carry on which is the wrong thing. Oh my god just don't give up! Think a little. 

The current is never calm but along the way you'll collect yourself a few precious gems. GOOD friends will make you sane and stay afloat in tough weather and will make you warm and fuzzy when things get uncomfortable. I am thankful that I have friends like these. I won't mention them but I'm sure they know who they are. 

2013 was one heck of a year. Difficult, emotional and bittersweet. It gave me little time to breathe but it gave me a chance to think. 

It was a very impactful year. And one that I will always remember. 


Saturday, December 14, 2013


Recently i downloaded Dayre on my iPhone.

Its this mobile application which allows you to blog more conveniently, post photos and read other people's posts while you're on the go. Its definitely a more convenient and accessible alternative as compared to the trusty ole' blogger website where (although there is a blogger application but it kinda sux) you kind of have to blog from either your laptop or a big computer. 

I gotta admit. I do admire the functionality of Dayre but the satisfaction i get from brewing up a post is definitely much less! Unfortunately on Dayre you have a word limit which just SUCKS big time because usually i have a lot to say and i tend to beat around the bush. 

Im not looking for a blogging alternative to hone my summary or paraphrasing skills. No. I want a blog where i am able to pour everything out and just sit down and collect my thoughts with no interruption. 

I hate word limits! It stops you from FULLY expressing yourself, and it prevents you from de-cluttering your thoughts. Blogging is supposed to be free! Oh how the irony! How can a blogging platform restrict you from babbling away when the sole purpose of blogging itself is to be yourself and to share your opinions and your notions and your views and your feelings and your stories and your yadadadadada!!! 

Screw it seriously!

The only time i will appreciate such a constricting and annoying word limit will be ten years down the road when im finishing my thesis paper. THAT will be something i'll appreciate. Not this. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A tiny tiny post

December has finally arrived and it has been really reminiscent of winter wonderland!! 

Ok the winter part not so much but the weather here has been unbelievably amazing. It's cold and chilly averaging at about 26 degrees. So thankful! It's been far too long since we've been spoiled with this kind of ramen weather. 

I've been snuggling under my duvets, accompanied by a good read, great wi-fi and of course a hot cup of milo. It gets fun being lonesome because that's when you really have time to sit down and collect your thoughts and do everything in your own pace! 

A few more weeks and school will be creeping up. Stay warm! :)