Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year

A few days before the start of a spanking new year, I asked my dad about his own New Years resolution at Mcdonalds when we were having breakfast. 

He told me that this year he would like to be a more reserved person. 

At that time I was a little bit amused. Maybe it's because of how we were in a very so-called 'juvenile' environment in Mcdonalds where being serious is the last thing to do.. Surrounded by little kids, and family lunch get-togethers. Or maybe it's because he suddenly got so serious when I asked him something so simple. 

My dad is a lot like me. He likes to joke around and he isn't really a serious person. He has a very unique sense of humor that is very likable about him and he does things very lightheartedly. It's just very comforting to be around my dad. 

Most people don't know how my dad looks like except for a few but he is really someone who character-wise, is a joker. 

When he told me he wanted to be a more reserved person, I kind of kept silent because he was so serious about the new year wish. 

Maybe it's the coming of age for my dad. But I really respect him! 

Being a reserved person.. Makes you a better person too am I right? It makes me want to be like him too! 

I have thought about my New Years resolution a couple of times but then I got a little overwhelmed by all the things that I want to be able to accomplish by the end of this year. 

Trust me. When I say it's overwhelming me, it really is! I get super detailed and hard on myself when I'm planning and target-setting so much so that I get very serious and moody.

This 2014, as cliche as it may sound, I just want to be a better person than in 2013. To be spiritually stable, academically successful, and happy. To be humble and to not be lonely. I want to live this year spreading love and light, to be able to kill people with kindness and to establish a better relationship with my God, and my loved ones. To treat people better, to be less of a grumpy frump, to be more patient, to be understanding and to just be successful in everything that I do.

But..... All in all i just want to think before i act and to be a more reserved person.  I think i just want to be like my dad :-)