Friday, September 30, 2011

Im selfish, you're selfish, everyone's selfish

Im not racist. I just feel that everyone should deserve to be treated fairly.
Im not a hypocrite. At least im being nice to ppl. 

No. This is a pretty different post. Im not going to grumble like how i always do. And i realized that i grumble about similiar things. 

I dont want to be misunderstood or get hated in any way. I dont want to be proved wrong or be judged upon cos i cant accept myself being wrong. Im not obsessive though. If im wrong, fine i'll accept it. But i'll turn sour and it wont be such a nice face to show. 

Some of u may rmb, some of you may have not. Its been a few years since the mosque is able to play the 'azan' to signify all the muslims that its time for prayers. 

Before i continue, here's the definition of 'azan':

"Adhan or azan is the Islamic call to prayer"

It is usually played from the mosques in each neighbourhood to inform ppl that it is time for prayers. It is loud, yes i agree. But its bloody not frickin damn disturbing you hear me. 

Some ppl hav complained that the 'azan' is a disturbance. It is too loud, it is noisy and it affects the residents living in blocks. The azan has been going on during prayer timings for many many years. And its already been quite a long time since i heard it being played out loud. 

Long story short: The islamic calls to prayer being played out loud has been stopped.
And i cant do a single thing about it. 

Some guy in macd, i cant even rmb his stupid name just cause he's really that insignificant in my life, and someone of no importance whatsoever commented about the 'azan'. It is evident, so obvious that he is a pea brain and someone who says his own thoughts whatever, whenever, wherever. 

After being restricted from hearing the azan out loud, during the fasting month, its played again to signify that we can all break our fast and eat. Hence, it is played on the radio in macdonalds. So this smartass said that "the islamic prayers are irritating" 

I dont want to be the bitch, ive warned you. If you're sensitive about ure culture pls dont read what im gonna write. 

You said the islamic prayers are irritating. 

Ok. fine. I shant use the word irritating but what about the chinese funeral? Isnt it loud too? Most of them take place under the block and some play music while some use a microphone to be listened to by the attenders of the funeral. What about those chinese concerts that take place under the block all the way till the wee hours? What about the ghost festival? The ghost festival that requires to burn ppr and incense? Did u rlly think it was such a fine matter? We had to inhale all these.

And we did not complain.

Ok maybe maybe all these facts im stating is wrong, maybe all these information im stating here is a misunderstanding. But i've seen this happening. 

I saw those chinese funerals and did not complain. I saw those chinese concerts and i did not complain. 

I had to toughen up and forget about not listening to the islamic prayers being played out loud. 
I had to toughen up and forgive that guy from macd about what he said about my religion. 

And to u guys out there it might not be such a big deal. But i love my religion, i love hearing the islamic prayers and i love my God even much more than you imagine.

So dont come discriminating my religion anymore. I dont frickin deserve any single shit u've said

Sunday, September 25, 2011

On the verge

Seriously seriously im really seriously seriously going to give serious attitude soon.

I cant believe this is happening to me. My december wont be as perfect as how i wanted to be since a little troll is following us overseas. Im just wasting my breath convincing my mum for him to not come but like she would listen to this 15 yr old who hasnt faced the real world.

Real world crap this is. Id rather just go back to my own fantasies.


What a tough night. It started out so grumpy and then it got rlly busy but no one seems to believe me. 

I believed i hav set the world record for pissing every closed one of mine today. I pissed off my best friend and it rlly sux cos i know what i did wrong and that i was just being a stupid douchebag. And i dont want anything major to happen. The only major thing that i want to get out of this is my lesson learnt of being such a douchebag but its like...its always me getting doing all the stupid mistakes, its always me at fault and i always feel bad for it. Its all genuine, every single shit im feeling right now is so genuine it cant even be compared. I pissed off my lit partner of whom i dont even know if he's rlly pissed off at me or if he's just joking around trying to make me take back my actions of tricking him just now. I pissed off sex bomb cause i didnt reply any of her calls or texts i pissed off my mum cause she didnt pick up her calls and i was being so unreasonable towards her even tho she gave me money to spend. Im such a bloody coward that its understandable that everyone of whom is so close to me right now just hates me a bit. And maybe i should just tell myself to grow the hell up if i still want to have friends. Maybe i should just snap out of this shithole that im in and be the angel that i've always wanted to be. 

Maybe i just cant turn into smtg so nice and dandy anymore cause im such a bitch inside. 
And life waits for no bitch. I just hope my friends would wait for me cause they dont deserve this treatment ive been feeding them. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

End of the week

So this just in:

  • Farinna has been ditching us for her arm and im really worried that im gonna flunk math. 
And recently, she picked on me just cause i turned my head to look at louis. She claimed i was not paying attention and that i need to get back right on track. 

I was so appalled i couldnt even speak or form any sentence structure apart from "huh" 
There's nothing i hate more than being accused of not paying attention. 

End of year is coming and for once im feeling the sense of urgency. 

My top girls


Ive had so many partners this year and it was because of me that told samuel to change my seating plan so that i can seat with simin cause i didnt want to hav a boring partner. And because of my magical decision, me and simin grew rlly close as the days go by and seeing her face 24/7 is so "sickening". But matter how "sickening" it is, having her not be there beside me as a partner just for one day is already enough to kill and make me go crazy. So simin when you're reading this, i rlly appreciate every single thing you've done for me. AND your knocks on my head are....FORGIVEN :)


Thank you for everything, really. If it werent for you i dont think ive ever found a friend AS understanding. Its been a blast hanging out with you as the months go past and its been rlly fun bunking with you at OBS. Me and ducky are doing well at the moment in case youre asking he he i still havent got your present yet but im getting it ok i swear im getting it! Having heart to heart talks w you has always been really relaxing and confiding stuff in you was never something i was hesitant off. May all the butterflies get away from your path and may you stay as enchanting as ever :) 

May both of you get your prince charming that'll luv you guys like how i luv rice ok?
Luv you both to bits and pieces

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It hurts so much that such a nice dance cant be showcased, cant even be given a chance to show only for a mere 3 minutes.

Ppl tell me to cheer up about it and forget about it cause exams are near but this bull talk is ridiculous. Imagine you, having put in so much effort in your exams get a zero score. It sucks right. Dont tell me you're going to be all fine with it cause you know u put in a lot of effort and that you know u hav studied hard and u will tell urself that everything happens for a damn reason. Ya so when you eat shit, that happens for a reason also right? When you cheat on ure girlfr/boyf that also happens for a reason right? Fate and destiny blame all over again. Stop dodging the bullets and just get real. Dont tell me to cheer up cause if i want to cheer up i'll tell myself to cheer up and i will cheer up. Its like no one out there wants to listen to my 2 cents worth and its getting frustrating cos i feel like im being alienated and i feel like an outcast.

Every single day.

Every single day i fantasize about performing this dance on stage. I knew what i was gonna wear, i knew how my hair was gonna be like and for the first time i had a detailed plan in my life. I was excited, nervous all those feelings of which i felt so much in primary school but had so little when i turned into a teenager. I dont want to live an unevenful life. I dont want to end my supposedly last yr in dance having only at most 4 months next yr to dance whatever i can.

So i guess our 3 minutes worth of dance is too long for assembly.
Ok well so bloody sorry for wasting 3 minutes of the hall's aircorn electricity bill too.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cute so cute

No link picture no link gif i care xx

Dont stop

So my saturday was great!! Browsing through online sprees for winter clothing has never been better! Its been years since i've indulged in smtg like this and ive never felt so excited. But every single time i think about who'se coming to the trip, i srsly die a little inside and my mind will be switched off automatically only to be luckily lit on again after a few nanoseconds later.

Recently ive been stuffing myself with Merci and Ferrero every single time i can and ive been neglecting the dishes at home. I feel a lil suffocated being in this household and i cant recall the last time i went out to hang out at town. Its srsly been a while. Im up to nothing right now at this moment. Just that i found some spare time to ramble.

So the 6 of us went to macs before the parliament house for a lil macs adventure that was such a hustle and bustle. Basically speaking, it was a total rush and macs was crowded like a shit and i bumped into quite a handful of my primary sch frens but i didnt say hi cos it was pretty much awkward to go up there and say HEY HIYA HOW ARE YOU HOWS YOUR BURGER.

Had the horlicks 1 for 1 which was mad awesome and i stuffed my mouth with cheese fries. That is smtg to be proud about cos i doubt u see a girl eat like a baboon right.

Ill cut the crap and dyou guys a favour.

This post is too boring and sequenced.
What a bore. I cant go on anymore. I refuse to continue this post.


Feel what you wanna feel, cry like u mean it

So im just so mad depressed the mail has lost my precious and first item that ive bought from a blogshop and this has just officially scared me.

And the girl was rlly super nice but all she said was to wait in case the mail went back to her or the mail will be able to be sent to my house which im still really really really hoping would happen. I mean she was rlly reassuring and comforting but wtv man. I didnt pay 27 bucks to get angry. 

My past few days

So this week was full of ups and downs and i tried my best to get off the rollercoaster ride.

One thing im worried about is that HE will read my blog cause i told him once that i hav a blog that i invest a lot of time in and that i told him that i like my blog cause its very honest. Im scared he'll find the true link of my blog and read what my honest opinions are and i know that if i write about someone particular in my blog, its not going to be such a sweet post. Before i rant out all the murderous thoughts i had in my mind, i'll be the angel and frankly say that i dont want him to get hurt, i dont intend for him to get hurt and that i hope he doesnt get hurt. 

So as you all know, or maybe not, im going to Paris and London for my december holidays.

The original plan is to leave spore on the 21st and leave Paris on the 28st and reach Spore on the 31st of dec 2011 which meant that its new years eve. Settled, laid back, and to me, a fine plan. I had no problems. 

Ok before this continues...lets give HIM a name. Jason?

So jason is supposedly this god brother of mine of which i still dont treat him so much so like a real brother cause to me i only hav one real brother. He was really nice like rlly nice but then he was like present for every single family function and he was in a family photo once so that just pisses me off cause he's not related to me so back off am i right

So then jason being the ironically childish 23 yr old that he is, has a skill for brainwashing us or wtv so he somewhat convinced my mum that we shud celebrate new yrs' in paris and watch the fireworks which he claims is really breathtaking from the eiffel tower.

So yeah its a great plan but its not so great when
a) You hav sch that starts on the 2nd or 3rd
b) When my sister already made plans with her frens to celebrate new yrs
c) I want to celebrate in my damn hometown cos its TRADITION

So then my sis asked my mum on a fine day regarding the trip and she asked "WAIT IS JASON CMG"
And my mum was like confused and blurr for a moment but i can totally see thru my mum's inner thoughts cos i was inside her womb so obv there's some connection so...i knew the answer but i was hoping it'll turn otherwise. SO my mum said "Ya then what, leave him here in singapore?"



So i got in total rage all up inside me with my blood boiling but i was not rude to my mum. I just told her a shitload of stuff that was pretty hurtful i gotta admit. But what dyou do when you hav bottled up all ure feelings and u want to be heard but thn you're waiting for an opp to let it all out? Obv im seizing the opp right.

So this is what i said:

  1. I dont want him to come
  2. He's not real family
  3. I want to celebrate w my family and i mean family of flesh and blood 
  4. Family was never the same again ever since he came in th picture
  5. I dont want him to come
  6. Its awkward to hav him tag along for every single shit 
  7. I wont be myself if he's arnd
  8. I dont want him to come 
So thn my mum scolded me saying that i turned rebellious, mean towards him and she doesnt know what has happened to me. Since whn has voicing out my opinions make me a rebel? So shud i just shut up for th rest of my life thn since my thoughts hurt everyone's feelings and i need to make all of them happy? CRAP 

And thn my 2nd sis came and coincidentally her attitude has been all crappy so my eldest sis and mum diverted their attention away fom me to knock some sense into her. Of which was just bad. Everyone was talking back and getting pissed off and my sis got angry at me cos i didnt admit something and so everything just sucked. Sis left the room and then there were 3. 

So my eldest sis shouted at me calling me TWO FACED
My mum, obv bitter about me refusing to accept jason to come called me SCAREDEY CAT
And thn there was HYPOCRITE

So you tell me now if that does not make you feel so bloody low, so drowned so suffocated enough to not cry then i salute you 2000ways possible cos you're one strong person. I just wanted to cry like there was no tmr left and i just wanted to call my best friends up cos i felt like shit. But i stared at my phone and just silently teared, and then i tried my best putting up with this fight, showing a front to say that im not crying, im not affected by it but i went down to the living room where my 2nd sis was and there i was crying in front of her and then i retreated to my balcony sobbing so bad i couldnt breathe.

So there i was defeated. 

2 of the ppl you luv so much inflict comments like that upon you.
Its just smtg i dont want to go through again. You dont know how bad i felt yst so dont try to judge me. 

Ive gone thru more shit than you guys can ever imagine. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rants are in my dictionary. Not happy? Go away

Im pissed off. Sick of tumblr, sick of twitter, sick of facebook, sick of every social network except for blogger. 

Sick of budget barbie always sucking up to xiaxue and friends and sick of friends with benefits. 
Sick of people asking me why i like dbsk so much when clearly i dont need to prove a point to any of you out there why i need to love smtg and its not like if you HATE them or LOVE them like their your 2nd soul will make any difference out there to them cause you're just non existant they only see you as a whole they only see you as the red ocean they only see you as fans they only see you as cassiopeia.

And if THAT doesnt make you happy enough then you can jolly well just kiss my butt cheeks and leave and zip your mouth up and to not only me, but to the other 7 billion people out there that will pay to leave in peace and that will pay to leave in ultimate serenity, calamity and wtv adjective there is out there. 

Sick of school even though i hav not attended it for a long time but LONG is a SUBJECTIVE term so in my dictionary, this 1 week holiday is not long and i protest for a holiday extention cause i still need to work on my body clock. But no, school is an unreasonable little einstein that pretends to care so much about us but in actual fact they are just being paid to worry about us ok. And teachers who cant teach, teach GYM so dont come running to me pin pointing my values and morals. Cause i seriously want to be the first one to tell all these teachers that they should slap themselves out of their little fantasy of which they are so smitten about themselves, so self absorbed thinking they are here in this MOE cause they are GREAT people, all hyped up to TEACH smtg good and to be a ROLE MODEL. I want to be the first one to tell you ppl that your jobs are not hotshot so dont come thinking you're character is so much more worthy than us students. Thats already downgrading enough and stop demoralising us, stop pressuring us. We're not rice cookers ok. WE CANT STAND THE HEAT. but wtv if you srsly want to kill me, i'll just be the demon that'll bite back. HEY its YOUR call. 

Sick of ppl retweeting tweets just so they can get some lovin
Sick of ppl liking a whole shitload of stuff of one person to get some likin
Sick of ppl being rude
Sick of people who live but have no purpose in life. 

Sick of people like you you you and you. 
And i guess most importantly, sick of people like me in this world cause im just tired of being so angry........

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Dont like sour monkeys who comment on every single thing, fight with every single comment, tackle each breath i take to talk back and do wtv they can to win. 

so yeah you are dismissed and are entitled to drink some milo.


Broken arrow

People who have no faith, no common sense that life is not always rainbows. Its tough so live w it.

Teenage Pregnancy? 
Fools who hav no control of themselves and get pregnant due to failure or no use of protection. In America, when girls get pregnant, the first thing they ask their preggy friends is whether they use protection. That is a stupid  thing to ask. That shouldnt even be asked as a question. The thing that should be asked is why on flaming hell do they even do it when they're clearly not supposed to do it? Why does protection always come first? What happened to morals? 

Why abuse yourself why cause so much harm? Your mum didnt bring you in this world after going thru so much pain for you to have an early death. Talk about selfish. Think about others rather than yourself for once. 

Obesity, Aneroxia, Bulimic? 
Confused ppl who dont know what they want. You know the saying "once you go black you'll never go back?" Yeah once you're facing bulimia, you wont ever go back to what you were which was ALREADY beautiful in someone's eyes. I dont understand why it is such a compulsory matter to make EVERYONE fall in like with you cause of size? 

Dickheads who hate people cause of their colour. What gives you the right to look down on people just cause you dont like their colour? What gives you the right to alienate black people? Is it that wondrous to be all white? All sparkly and radiant? You can go marry toothpaste then. 

Are you that bored? 

Do you have such a misleading and evil mind telling you that sins are way better than good deeds? A good deed is a good deed. Its not rocket science. Its common sense

Dont fall into traps like these. Have strong faith keep you rooted on the right path and let it yield all the bad influence ppl throw to you. Tumblr is great and all but it doesnt really teach me anything. Just teaches me to long for sexy clothing that shows skin and hav toned abs and belly piercings (which are mad gorgeous) BUT it doesnt teach me enough that its the character that plays a part in everything we do.

Tumblr went away since the beginning of the year for me.
It lacked its original essence that made me love it 2 yrs ago

Lacking photos so i question...Hav i put this up before?

No pain no gain

I wonder how much pain i felt today. Definitely not a typical morning, thats for sure.

My tummy still feels a little sore. It was like torture for an hour. An hour doesnt sound very long but the pain definitely was not on its minimum. It was like those kind of tummy cramps that make you super weak and gives you two decisions on whether you should just shit it out or vomit it out.

Either way both ways were of so much pain and i didnt want to vomit it out cos i find vomiting a bit disgusting. Its like you see some fluid only aliens are capable of doing.

Right now i think im being pretty much of a cautious coward.
Scared to consume anything right now for fear that that pain will come again in a few hours. Sigh...what has god have in store for me today, i still do not know. But i hope its something that wont bring tears to my face. Cried more than enough in the morning today...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Humpty dumpty

Eunice came over to the dance studio today. Practically danced since 1030am all the way till nearing 5. Its nice to have a little sunshine rather than the constant rumble from the thunder a few days ago :')


I think being homophobic runs in my family. I may sound pretty mean but i dont appreciate ppl who arent straight.

I dont like lesbians nor do i like gays
Or even people who are bisexual

I do not like tranny's cause its not such a pleasant sight to see and i do not like butches cause i believe they should be butchered. 

I dont understand how one can turn into being someone who'se not straight. The fact that i despise most is that they blame their so called destiny for turning them into it. They dont blame themselves for being like this yet, they indirectly blame god for what they have turned to.

Its stupid.

Firstly its not god's fault you turned this way. Its your fault, its your decision, its totally your own choice. Secondly, stop blaming it on other people rather than yourself for being gay/bi/les. No one made you this way. You simply cast it upon yourself.

I dont get it why people reason their choice by putting the blame on their birth. Stop trying to cover up by telling others that not being straight lies in your destiny and you're born to be that way. Stop being a coward and just own up. In fact i hate that people blame god for being like that.
Its not god's fault. Its not god's fault. Its not god's fault.

You werent born that way. In fact you chose to be like that.
Its entirely your own decision. So dont be a lady gaga and stop being in self denial.

I'll be lying to say i was proud of being not straight. 

Dont offend me for saying this though.
It just came from my highly opinionated brain so no worries, it wont affect the whole country

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Choose your feelings wisely

I dislike people who are angry and they end their sentence with a smiley face.
I dislike people who are angry and end their sentence with a "hahaaha"
I dislike people who type like +h3yq +yhNk +3yy R' sp3[iAl
I dislike people who put nice photos up of themselves and claim that they are ugly losers trying to fit in society.
I dislike people who put photos up showing the obvious but stating smtg else that will get lovely replies from others
I dislike people who have bad grammar and they think they're all that
I dislike people who they're hot stuff
I dislike people who think they're classy and are social butterflies when clearly they are just wannabes
I dislike WANNABES.
I dislike people who curse their parents
I dislike people who seek for attention

Thanks for making me watch a great show from all you. You couldnt hav made my life any more enjoyable

I removed this photo cause i just want to ok

Ghost Dopester has evolved

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Insomniac failure

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Choo choo train

So jessica alba fantastic instant classic boys like woah loving the fact that she's gifted everything she do he gets lifted feels so wicked loving like woah

Crank it up

Its 3am in the morning and im still awake.

So a short little update about my life. So basically, i havent been studying nor hav i touched any of my books. Im not a closet mugger. If i study, i would tell people and if i dont study, i'll usually tell people i do study cause i dont want them to think im a lazy loser so this is secure enough to make you guys believe tat ive not been studying.

Im sick of kpop. This statement is self-explanatory.
I want to go back 6 yrs ago where I thought i was the special one; the only one that liked it. Its so hard to find dances online without coming across smtg korean. Its not that i hate kpop. Lets put it this way: Its just that when i fall ill, i'll give myself a break and take some rest to calm myself down. So its pretty much the same thing. This whole kpop thing, im just going to get away from it for a few days. Only a few days cause its hard to stop after 6 years.

I have not been eating rice. I am malnourished. Poisoned. Depressed.

It took me a few years. Maybe its just the influence but i really think make up is awesome.
Especially lip stains. Thinking of getting one of those.

Essence by Narcisso Rodriguez. FRICKIN AWESOME.

The fact that its only a week of holidays, i cant bring myself to accept the fact that it is passing by pretty fast. On a side note, im hungry. And im afraid i might go cannibal.



Happy girl lost a few pounds from shopping. And that girl is me ^_^

H&m is opening in around 11 hours time? Seriously speaking i dont feel super excited cause IM JUST LIKE THAT. i'd rather make my own collection and carry on in life.

Im thinking of entering fashion or mass comm. Or just be a clerk and earn some money to roll in...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Please stay sexy

My august was great. I learned as many values as i can and i thought about people's feelings rather than being always self centered silently in my head. I learned that you gotta be tough in this world to push through and block anyone's way of bringing you down. But i've already mentioned so many times. That if, people were to bring me down, stoop to the lowest of the low and make my life a living hell, i'll come back way better than before and all that bitchy crap can go bury a hole and decompose by itself. Whats the point of stabbing my heart when all you get is a broken knife? Whats the point of wasting all your energy just to destroy this life of mine without even considering the repercussions of it all? Whats the point of constantly doing all this just to make me feel miserable when all you get back is a conscience that'll haunt you?

Whats the point of having such a ruthless behaviour in life? Whats so likable about being so mean? Its not like you get a million dollars. Its more like you get a million sins. But people like you guys are just people who dont give a damn about these kind of stuffs. Maybe you guys need a bit of guidance from the almighty and a little faith to lead you the way.

But then again maybe you guys havent heard of a thing called prayer.

This september will be great.

Take it back

Hey no actually i've seen cuter.

There are 5 things that summarizes my life:

1) Fashion
2) Rice
3) Sailor moon
4) City hunter
5) Dbsk

I want my own city hunter........You must exist somewhere in singapore man....You gotta be from singapore, at most 3 yrs older, at least 13( heeh i upgraded) cm taller, smell good and full of swag.

Let me just buy a..........PONY.

My candy boy

Hereby i declare, you are officially silently in my life. 
But you're too cute to be true liao......How now brown chow chow cow

i am the only dopester

So some wannabe dopester kiddy 8 yr old malay defiant think-he's-cool boy who has not reached growth spurt at all or any form of puberty punched my purse yesterday on purpose.

too cute is it? too pretty is it?


and i love kids. I really do. Even if they're obese or bald or all bones i love them all to bits and pieces. But this boy just walked past me and punched my purse which was at my hip and he had attitude written all over his face and i was like "you lame"

I was pissed off cause tht boy was rude. He was not cute, not adorable. Attitude that you wanna slap. Bitch face.

This boy is questioning my love for children!!! 

So as far as i know, he wont be classified in my list for children. I'll classify him as a.... fred. As in, fred from flinstones? If you all still dont get it, its my alternative way of saying 'cavemen'.

I know kids make mistakes. I know kids are still learning, still adapting. But when i was 8, i was an angel, and i was the only dopester around. This boy just wants to take the title away from me.

Move it boy you're clogging up all my sunshine.

My purse shall be sanitized.

I am the only dopester around here. Bow down to your highness of highest dopes